New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Truly this is the darkest timeline.


I mean, we know of the silver covenant and their extreme dislike of the horde, so much so that they would fight and attempt to purge the city of their own kin.

The SC is made of mages and rangers so obvious the major mage and ranger culture.

We also can see that Allerian stronghold was made with the arcane and high elf towers, so mainly in tact culture that the blood elves share. (But I’d say that is closer to the original culture than what we see in blood elves now.)

The Highvale elves culture has return to their near natural/ranger roots.


it is too soon to speak that the bite is arcane

At the moment I have seen it more than when using certain weapons the owner changes his eyes

Just make the post already.

Sorry, but you’re not thicc enough to pull off Kut’tiran hairstyles.

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How about me?

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Thicc elves please


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I play a male blood elf mage who is a bit thick. He likes to cook he likes to eat what he cooks. He’s a chonky boy.


Elves with that thicc Human female booty would slay me.


What’s the point of this?
At first I wasn’t sure if you’re trying to stimulate the convo, but you’ve definitely just proven that you’re trying to aggravate people.

Regarding culture, I’m not even sure why we are discussing culture in a video game. You mean like tree hugging vs arcane magics and stuff? High elves seem to definitely share the arcane/ranger theme that every other elf in this game shares.
Although I can’t really accurately describe culture for any race really

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Oh my god that would be so amazing :pleading_face: :heart_eyes:

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He’s still typing.

You and lovefool both

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I want some refreshed clarity and education into the subject matter. And when I try to think of the High elf Culture on the Alliance, I can’t really think of anything at all.

Has absolutely nothing to do with:

That is an Orc of culture, I agree.

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So with this logic, it’d be safe to ask for Ogres, Undead Rangers, San’layn, Taunka and Half-Ogres on the Alliance side? Because they’re not playable–they’re not a Horde thing, apparently.

Nobody is saying otherwise? We all know Blood Elves are the continuation of their society as a ‘people’. What we’re asking for is our High Elf themes, and some of them also include stuff from their old lives. Alleria and a few other High Elves are a good example of it. But those few themes that they share with Blood ELves happen to almost only be expanded upon in the Alliance side of things(Alleria is an example).

This is true, but they haven’t outright abandoned it. Literally at that scenario you can see the High Elves using their old balistas. They have their own themes too now, which is just more reason for us to have them become a playable thing.

They’re not though. The High ELves we’re asking have never belonged to the Horde, and they’ve been in the game since before Blood Elves were playable. Even if they were the same, it was in the Alliance first?

We didn’t just say it was flawed at the start. We’ve all argued about it for ages now, and we’ve posted our reasons as to why it didn’t really make sense. Even a big YouTuber said those reasons don’t add up, and I really doubt they care about any of this.

We’ll just have to wait and see :man_shrugging: Void Elves trample on the Blood Elf lore and aesthetic more than High Elves ever could. It’d make perfect sense for Void Elves to get green eyes now, that’s how closely related to the Sin’dorei they are.

They’ve never specifically pointed out either side of our communities? AT least I don’t think they have.

This is exactly how a few people in both sides act, and it’s been this way forever. This isn’t exclusively a thing that only the Pros do.

That same day the High Elf Discord was bombarded with Anti trolls. The WoWhead website also had heaps of Anti trolls on it, on the exact same post showing Blood Elves with blue eyes.

Keyboardturner said that Anti trolls and Pro trolls were harassing her. SHe never said it was coming from the Pro crowd alone.

Ok, it was wrong of me to say that. But we’ve always been able to argue against your points. We have objectively good reasons for why we think they’d make a good addition as a playable race on the Alliance.

You called my argument contrived, but then you argue the exact same way as I did? This is just you saying you’re right by default. Where’s your evidence that many of the arguments I use ring false?

Pandaren exist.

Valeera is an isolated case of a Horde or Alliance race being used on opposite factions, excluding High Elves and now Blood Elves(Telegrus Rift). NPCs have a presence, they represent the world and what it’s like. They’re important to the game and its lore.

High Elves were in WoW and on the Alliance before any Blood Elf ever thought about joining the Horde. SAying they’re just NPCs so it’s meaningless, is a strange argument. With that logic, what’s the point of asking for any races now? There’s nothing that parallels the High Elf situation on the Horde side. But if you guys had a group of Horde-aligned Dwarves that were in the game since Vanilla(Or something like that), I’d perfectly understand your reasons for wanting them, even though they’re with the Alliance and only playable on the Alliance side. IT wouldn’t be taking anything away from us, and it’d be giving you guys something you deserve.


Show me a single Horde NPC that better represents High Elven aesthetics and culture more than Alleria does.

I’m not replying to anything else in this thread. Snowsong actually put effort into her post, so I made an exception for her. Sorry y’all, but I don’t really want to do this anymore.


That’s a tl;dr and a half dawg.

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You responded to your own comment, sounds like mr is desperate for attention


Like whyyyyy

No one is required to acknowledge you.
I mean
I guess I did so are you happy? :slight_smile:

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Sure if you want.