New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

How about you just respect people aren’t a hive mind. My point for the 100th time is VEs are an AR and this is core race customizations that were promised to come first. It is not the end of the world to voice my opinion to Blizzard I think they need to concentrate on BEs in this thread that regards only BEs and VEs considering they are a core race and many BE fans feel lack luster over options and VEs can look forward to AR customizations coming later.

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I like the bracers myself, I’ll use them. But belves need tattoos still, everyone should get tattoo options, and scars, war paint, why the heck not??


Don’t forget Fallyns idea on sharing hair across races! I know she is very fond of some the new male NE hair styles as it fits a certain vibe her and other BE fans like!


And yet, you’re acting like Blood Elves have to get everything straight away from the get go.

Geez, how many times does it have to be repeated to you:

“Customisations are an ongoing process”

I agree. Wouldn’t mind seeing Tatoos, Scars, War Pains for all races in Shadowlands. Would work wonderfully too for the Blood Elves as they can then say they fought in battle against Arthas during the Third War.


The problem is, they shouldn’t really be customization.

They would work just fine as cosmetic options.

It’s not like you’d want them equipped with another set of bracers anyway. :man_shrugging:

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I doubt it. Devs have spend “weeks” on Belves/Velves and so far, it seems you guys are gonna get waaay more stuff even when you weren´t supposed to.

Nice to know we may get a mediocre work thanks to having to share resources with you people…

Excuse me? Why should devs spend effort in the race NOT ORIGINALLY SCHEDULED to get anything (and that probably was scheduled to get stuff later just like the rest of the AR) in detriment of a core race?

Why shoould Belves get second rate treatment in regards to Humans, Nelves, Dwarves, DK Trolls, Forsaken, Tauren, Orcs, Gnomes, Worgen, Goblins et al CORE races?

Sorry but no. You people are actually getting special treatment, so don´t push it.

Someone hasn´t even paid attention to the thread I see…

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No that is how you are misconstruing my words and writing that narrative.

Yeah so VEs can wait when Blizzard does the other ARs. For more things for them.


And you know what, thank you Lann, now, you’re the first person to actually to get me to say, Blood Elves made playable for the Horde were a mistake.

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Not only that but devs can perfectly use the “buut, buut!! we spend SO much time with the Velf stuff so we ran out of time to properly finsih Belf customization, maybe later” BS excuse they ALWAYS use to justify mediocre implementations in-game. And if we DON´T get our voice heard NOW, we will indeed get stuck with piss poor customization that mostly won´t care about.

Tell me about it, as Snow kindly reminded the whole of us is quite difficult to properly match the different gold shades.

Your complain is more than a decade old, pull and Elsa and let it go…

Or better yet. Don´t say anything regarding a matter that doesn´t concern you. Graciously accept the SPECIAL BENEFIT devs decided to put for you people over players from ALL the other AR and let us Belf posters take care of making suggestions regarding OUR race customization, tyvm.

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I don’t mind sharing styles!


That doesn’t matter, VE have pale skins, o they completely defeated the purpose of an entire expansion.

Blizzard needs to focus on Blood Elf stuff primarily over Void Elf stuff.


I don’t mind either, I would love for the Blood Elves to get more styles too. But the thing that he is completely continuing on is that Blizzard should prioritize the Blood Elves more than anything, when I am trying to explain is that Blizzard is trying to do everything fairly and equally.

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Does seem unfair that only this one AR is being worked on.


After looking at the actual EFFORT put on the Nelf customizations, I´m starting to get worried regarding the Belf one´s. The ear lenght is but an evident exercise to please the “half elf crowd” (who almost surely is focused in the “High Elf” end of the spectrum; I don´t recall people asking for shorter ears for their Belves unless citing helm problems proper).

The jewerly thing is almost a parody of a Belf in both design and artistic effort.

One of the “new” female haircuts is literally copy-pasted from a very old and already existing male one. And the male one with the crown is literally taking one already existing and putting the crown, there and done!!

I swear, give them a hand and they want to take the whole freaking arm!!!

They´re the actual PRIVILEGED playerbase as of now. Bur surely, we Belves giving legitimate complains over the poor quality of our customization is ous being “greedy and ungrateful”… the nerve!!

It’s just crazy to me because I don’t even disagree on any of the VE customizations and agree with most of the future recommendations. I’m just using my voice to say I hope they re direct love to BEs considering this is the time they said was about core races, and in this thread of Void Elves and Blood Elves only one is a core race.


Not sure I’d go that far.

Still though Void Elves getting much of anything but the standard separation of eyes and such from faces that most of the other AR’s are showing currently is atypical of what we were told for all this. Its doing the High Elf fans a solid ahead of every other AR.

We should be rather happy with what we got and not demand it come with everything else right now.

by contrast Blood Elves are a core race and have been since TBC. They deserve their due.


We don’t actually know for certain that it’s only Void Elves getting love among the AR’s though. At least not yet.

I have a sneaking suspicion that Lightforged and Highmountain are going to inherit options from their parent races when Shadowlands launches.

What I am not so sure on is what will happen with the Nightborne, if anything, because they need more specific work than just inheriting options from Night Elves and certain Night Elf options won’t really fit the Nightborne aesthetic anyway.

Certain Night Elf options might be able to be modified enough to work for Nightborne, but beyond that Nightborne really need face options that look like the NPCs and aren’t fugly. I’d also like to see the Nightborne male legs get beefed up a bit so they don’t like fragile twigs ready to snap.

I admit I could be wrong and the other AR’s could get nothing at launch. I just have this hunch that Lightforged and Highmountain at the very least will see some inheritances from their parent races.


I still think it’s too early to complain about what we don’t have. It’s still alpha, we haven’t seen everything yet.


The thing she doesn´t get about is that Belves WON´T get future time in customization design. Devs are “using” the scheduled time as of NOW. And if we take a relaxed stance hoping “afterwards they will put on more things” we´re gonna get a second chapter in the NB AR implementation, just with Belves.

This company don´t go back to “fix” design that gets “approved” until after literal years…

Well, she clearly implied Velves should get “customizations naow!!” and that we got “a ton of stuff, so no more stuff for Belves cause it´s greedy” with her "but why should Belves (the + CORE race) get more relevance than the AR (that wasn´t even scheduled in the first place).

If it sounds like a duck and walks like a duck and looks like a duck…

Nightborne AR datamining says “Hi”. The whole freaking BfA and were the issues raised regarding the model fixed? Cause not as far as I´m concerned.

Everytime I heard “chill, it´s just alpha” I remember the NB AR.