New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves


A relief to see you in the conversation again hope all is well. Sometimes I do not see you post much anymore and I always hope you’re doing well!!

Is this where I tell you I dislike popcorn D: I seem to shock people when I tell them I don’t like pizza either.

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Wait… Why does the color matter? What is being argued?

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All colors matter. Especially Red.

It has grey in it to make it that color.

I see grey as the dominate color.

I’m not that big into popcorn either I-



How… Do you snack?

Pizza bagel bite rolls with cheddar in a can and my dew in hand.

Right now I am drinking Charcoal Lemonade. It is filling??

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I liked Cheetos popcorn, but they don’t make it anymore.

You monster.

But seriously, I wasn’t a big fan. They got stuck in my teeth, and I just didn’t care for the flavor much.

Gray can be found in most colors, but this does not mean the color is gray, similar to how green is neither yellow, nor blue. In fact black, white and grays are not even considered colors in the way shades and tints like blue, red and green are. So colors are just the “pure colors” (but without white, black and gray).

So my robe is blue, but gray determines which blue value it belongs to, much in the way the amount of green, and red does as well. But something cannot be gray dominate. It either is primary gray (A perfect balance between colors) or it falls into a color catagory, hence why all those shades literally have the name blue in it.


I’m tired of this conversation I’ve moved onto snacks. I see it as grey leave at that.

My Gf bought some of the worse chips I ever had in my life yesterday. It was pringles, Wendy’s bacaonator flavored. If you care for that mouth of yours never ever put it on your tongue.

First, I never asked about your snacks. I asked Lann.

Second, why did color matter at all? What the heck did you all spend like 50 posts arguing about a robes dominant color for?

You brought up snacks yes I added my take on it to protect the taste buds of all.

I’ve moved past it, it doesnt matter anymore.

Sometimes I just don’t know what I can add without just repeating myself…
I’m great, ty! Hope you are doing good yourself.
What? I"m sorry you don’t like pizza! Wish I could eat pizza like I used to though.
Also…Lann, if you had grown up in NY you might have found a pizza you liked!


Well I am glad you are doing well! We disagree on some things and agree on others but I always think you’re a voice of reason, and holding things civil, so you do add things!

I am good, I get a bit restless not going out like normal so I think its a bit sad sigh… Also as for the pizza maybe, I used to go to New York every other summer to visit my step moms family, I am lactose intolerant so I can only eat dairy with a pill that has the dairy enzyme or something and I just never liked pizza enough to waste on it! When I am not eating healthy which I don’t know if its a California thing but I could live on salad and green juice but assuming I want something else I live for spicy foods like 8K Scoville spicy!

EDIT: Also :clinking_glasses: :pleading_face: :crossed_fingers: :male_detective: HERES TO HOPING FOR SOME BE REVEALS SOON!


Cause that jewerly is so ugly it makes the male Nightborne WHOLE face options look beautiful.

It´s plain (A.K.A. no 3D texture), it looks cheap (ergo my continuous comparison to bead christmas ornaments cause the artist even put it like that on the model; the elf is like a freaking christmas tree FFS trying christmas handouts on the body), it looks impractical and something only an airhead that doesn´t recognize head from feet with put on his/her body (cause a “chain” surrounding the torso sounds like the perfect thing to grab to inmovilize him/her), cause unless one stays on perma bathing suit tmogs it can´t be exhibited, etc.

There is decent jewerly/armor hybrid combos like the one used by the Nightborne NPCs and there is the trash devs are trying to sell as “jewerly customization” for Belves.

Tatoos -yes, even practically invisible ones like the currently available for Nightborne- are MUCH better than that disgusting “body jewerly” devs spend 5 secs painting over the Belves´gameplay model.

PREACH!!! I 100% agree (I mean nice to know we getting stuck with only ONE shade of gold and ONE shade of silver in mediocre stuff bracers/chest pieces can already cover is “an amazing job regarding Belf customization”).

Some people really have to reevaluate their standards or their ethics.

How about you practice what you preach? Who are you to tell us our discontent with a clear mediocre job -especially in comparison to human and nelf customization options- is not valid?

I´m a leather user, there are literally TWO “hot pants” (none with silver nor gold) options and like 4 bras/revealing chest options (again, not with gold/silver). Putting on those + the “jewerly” will make my toon look like a trashy female who got 10th rate handouts regarding “jewerly”.

Or who put on the ornaments of her christmas tree as if that was “jewerly”.

Gal, a “simple” customization option like tatoos or even scars would legitimately feel new, even if only that one thing was the one we got. Useless trashy looking jewerly IS a massive disappointment. Short ears that NO Belf fan asked ever -helfers wanting to RP their hybrids were the ones asking for this- IS a disappointment. I´d totally exchange these 2 even for “just scars and nothing else”.

Says the proud poster trying to get a whole bunch of stuff RIGHT NOW for her ALLIED RACE (who weren´t even supposed to get ANYTHING).

THIS is alpha. Kinda the perfect moment to generate changes we rather get for our race´s customization. And you may live in a bubble pretending everybody and their mother “loved” the jewerly and loved the ears for their BELF characters, but what I actually read in wowhead and here, was people apalled over the fugly gold/silver “things” hanging from the model, people saying how awfully clashed the silver options with the golden underwear and people saying they hoped the ear stuff became available to Velves too for their Half elf RP.

I think the only Belf fan that expressed some sort of positive reaction regarding the jewerly was Lannisterian. Who you kindly accused of “asking for too much”.

And then she complains over people not giving value to her opinion…

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Because colours is what brings everyone together.

I never said anything is not Valid. But saying the Blood Elves got nothing is an absolute lie. The Blood Elves have gotten plenty of customisations. And yes, there is still more to come.

How about you tell Lann to stop saying, Blizzard, stop with the Void Elves and work on the Blood Elves?

Post something of someone saying “Blizzard needs to stop focusing on Blood Elves and focus more on Void Elves”?

Excuse me? You want to rephrase that?