New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Hey now, this isn’t Family Guy. We don’t need a road to the Multiverse.

Spite Flagging isn’t acceptable here on the forums, even if one were to alt hop and spam flags.


No timeskip.

We go right back into the fray to tear Arthas a new one.

Sorry Kel’Thuzard, your boney butt isn’t rising again.

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You’re just jealous!

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Ok? I know this. As most of my post are positive but thank you for reinforming me?

Oh Avarie, we all know the Night Elves are fabulous.

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If that is being positive, then saying you must be stupid must be really positive.

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I’m sorry, but from the way your post read it seemed to me as if you were unaware of the dangers that come from someone “Spite Flagging”.

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Maybe we should go back in time, and slay Arthas when he wa…

Oh wait, nevermind, I don’t want to go full Deadpool on this.

No matter where I click on the robe, I never get grey, only variations of blue. Even the closest related colors are variations of blue.

I even visited a few websites to confirm that my program was working correctly, and I got the same results.



The discussion of color over an image taking this long is pretty interesting! :popcorn: :champagne:


I said most, not all perhaps reading comprehension isn’t a strong area for you?

#BlueLivesMatter? :open_mouth:

Can I have some popcorn?

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It’s his hidden agenda to bring pros and antis together against a common foe.


It’s a groovy time for a movie time! So grab your gal and grab a seat. But don’t forget to get something to eat! Delicious meat, a Nutritious meat!


Shadow blue is on the grey scale. As well as the blue.

They’re also only related shades, and still considered blue enough to have it in their names. The color of the robe is also blue-dominant.