New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Mind yourself before you make yourself look worse than you already do.

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That doesn’t even match. Nor does it say it is grey either.

Hey Broflake, when did you become my lover :scream:

How does it not match? What lol I sent you two screen shots made sure you can see what was being scanned as well as you can see it’s called Rhino. Are you saying rhinos are blue?

Multi-flagging is against the rules…
and fyi

Snowsong is wearing a tabard on top of the robe.
You didn’t even color pick the right part of the outfit.

Its like I said guys.

He looked for the grey part, picked the grey part, and ignored everything that is blue.


No idea

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Even if you look at the part where he picked out, it clearly doesn’t match the colour.

Ok great, I didnt report them so cool?

Also are you trying to say they decided to use grey only under the chest part of the robe? Do you want me to to go all over it bit by bit. I showed the proof dont blame me if you cant handle it.

It’s the same exact area sorry you dont understand how it works it states rhino it’s the color.

Really? Only my post is flagged where yours isn’t. You can’t hide the truth from the forums. And Blizzard does know who flags who, so you can’t hide from Blizzard as well.

You complain…and then mysteriously, her post was hidden.
It takes 5 to 6 flags to hide it. So excuse me if I press X to doubt you while it took you forever to upload an image to imgur.

I am saying, you chose the wrong outfit to try and be right.

ANyways, this convo will go nowhere. You want to be on that hill, go for it.


Yep, lets get back to the part where it was all Lancelot’s fault for the destruction of Quel’thalas because he dc’d while Arthas was going full Dreadlord mode.


Random trivia of the Day: The Nile is a river in Egypt.


This is the only logical path to return to.


NO. We do not need another AU.


Who knows I couldn’t tell you, maybe people dislike you from some of those previous post you made.

AU Lancelot has good internet, so Arthas bit it like a chump since you guys actually got heals.


You mean AU Lancelot got better internet.


We can discuss how pretty night elves are.


I like AU but time skips are no from me, unless it’s an AU time skip with a return to MU.

I choose the wrong outfit? What it’s the same outfit. Now you are in denial. They did not randomly decide right Here on the chest it will be a different color. I took more screen shots in other locations I can post for you. As well as the one that says blue but its 70% grey.

No, night elves areugly