New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Somand and I always duo. 3 masks is the highest we’ve made it so far.
Haven’t really been bothering with it much lately.

If Blizzard wanted to add them they could bs the lore.

Don't read this.

Red ones go faster.

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Don’t do it, he’s evil! He hates the Alliance and abuses his cat!

…I am banning you from existence now

My cat slept all of last night next to me. I think he realized i waslonely.

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It’s not even that I’m against those particular themes, it’s just strange that a community that has always been more interested in what blood elves arent getting suddenly being vocal. Many of these suggested themes have been used by members of the helf community as a way of belittling, and villianizing Blood elves.

When the very idea of gold eyes were suggested many of the more radical helfers would bombard those threads saying things like “You’re fel tainted! It’s never going to happen!” So its no coincidence to me why those very same people seem so adamant on pitching those corrupted ideas over and over again.

Yes, that looks really good! Maybe even at their finger tips like we see with the arcane on the Nightborne NPCs.

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My cat peed on me again. Im getting really sick of it.

I choked on coffee…

I actually don’t have discord.

I moved recently so I can’t get my Discord back.

I need to make a new one soon, but I can’t right at the moment.

Go get discord now before i yell at you


the idea was to hunt for alternate blood elf races for customization options. same thing for trolls and dwarves, etc. as a belf, you have high elves, void elves, sanlayn, dark rangers and felblood.

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Both of you need to join our kewl kids klub asap.

felblood is a bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad idea

Yes. It is.

The void is perfectly safe though.

I think ima rename this guy

Call him Bobthael.

I think it’s more of good will, the pro HE community sees it’s a want of BEs and wants to support BE fans who want those themes.

Not all BE fans will like them but a lot do so I don’t think it’s any pro HE fan trying to villianize BEs.


But there are tons of customizations and themes for Blood elves we see in official promotional art for WoW, and hearthstone that can even be found in the books that we still don’t have in-game.

Things players have been asking for, for some time like tattoos, braids, farstrider themes - why am I not seeing any of these suggestions in those posts? Why does it seem to exclusively revolve themes of corruption?

Lorithyn is a pretty sick name.