New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

No I meant the Turtle in that dried up river bed that my Hunter had to murder until the one Turtle model from Throne of Thunder spawned.

On this thought, can Night Elves get an option to go Dryad form instead of Moonkin form?


And just like that, a Turtle made it to the Water.

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ohmygosh that’d be glorious.

Dryad/ W/E Cenarius is for Males.

keepers of the grove

Blizz should hire me, I could fix everything wrong with this game ez.


I think you just gave Nola a heart-attack.

Or made her take out a bounty on you.

Either way.


Good. I’m anti anything that’s Anti-Naga.

I was wondering why I just got mail.

You are now Hated with Tortollan Seekers.


Renotarshil cackles maniacally at the situation.

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Can’t wait for Nagas to join the Horde so we can have a triple Highborne Party.

I reckon they can raise some fancy ruins off the coast of Azshara or Suramar or… Quel’Thalas.

no, no, no no no.
to the the song

It seems unlikely that we’ll get Naga at this point, despite the fact that they did express having wanted to add them at some point a long time ago.

But this would be the only choice, really. Naga joining the Alliance would just… I can’t even.

He was hare and gone!


this topic is very bizarre, it has had everything from rage, acceptance, hope for more things, trolling, and off topic talk


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didya see the string of datamined naga druid forms?

I did not.

But I’m intrigued.

Lancelot leans forward.

Go on.

help me get botanist druids for belfs.