New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Easy. Because it is easy to abuse some of the features on the forums and get away with it.

How or why is it even possible to flag a Blue post, would be the better question lol

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The “New and Improved” forums.
Ugh. :man_facepalming:

Each character is treated as an individual, so unless the moderator specifically trace it back, which they rarely do, there seldom is punishment for it.

My issue is with those in charge. The set up is bad, but generally, it is up to those watching everything to handle it. It isn’t done in a way that I would consider effective.


This is so dumb, and obviously exploitable. They should really fix this.


It has been brought up before.
I believe a mod stated they investigate the matter, but it is quite clear they don’t do so often.

They should at the very least make it so mods can tell at a glance which bnet a character belongs to.

They do, they just don’t care.
It shows who flagged the person too, so if that person is getting flag bombed by the same people? Doesn’t matter to them.

Yeah. they literally shut down high elf threads and other threads all the time. It’s pretty egregious.


They’ve also said that they don’t want to be heavy handed on people flagging because they don’t want to discourage people from using the feature for fear of getting punished for what was a sincere flag. Now, that shouldn’t apply to someone alt hopping to flag.


That sucks. :frowning_face:

Honestly they should just put the downvote back in and restructure things internally but…meh.

It just go to show Broflake, how easy it is to abuse anything on the forums and get away with it.

Honestly, flags should just be by bnet. How does each character having their own flags even make sense?

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It doesn’t.


It is because of the proprietary software they bought. It wasn’t meant to function under the ideal of WoW which allows a ton of alts.

It was cheap though,so they went with it

They already knew spaghetti code was a problem with WoW itself. Big mistake to cheap out on the forums imo.

yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah they don’t care about the forums much since alternative like reddit exist.
League of legends completely bounced out of their own forums. I am sure one day the same will happen to WoW.

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Eh. When people have done something for fifteen years they tend to keep doing that thing.

I’m sure it won’t be the most popular whatever some day. But it’ll keep chugging along.