I KNOW!!! It’s like the BEST PONY TAIL IN GAME!!! I’m a Night Elf main and this might be biased but we won.
It’s actual perfection. Throw some of the new leaves in there and I think I have a new alt.
Finally, the leaves! Now hoping for some nelf heritage armor that looks like the one from the WoW intro cinematic. Closest I can get right now is this:
She looks amazing!!!
Please Blizzard.
You burnt down their capital and defiled their people.
It’s the least you could do.
I was inspired by Murgy and went with a dark druid look for mine.
Vengeance for Teldrassil!
These new customizations mean I may need to rethink my Druid’s look to incorporate them.
It’s even in the game already
I want it so badddd for my Druid!
Funnily enough the new silver circlet and necklace datamined for Nelves matches this perfectly, ahaha.
Who could forget the legendary father of Cabbage Bending?
reminds me of miyagi from karate kid
Yes I am so shooketh.
My original main was a night elf priest, for years and years and years. I was so sad when they removed Starshards.
I think I’m going to level a brand new one using an all new lewk…
My Night Elf Priest was never my main, but I too lamented the loss of Starshards.
It wasn’t the best spell in the game, but it was our spell.
Never Forget.
(she used to be named Lylith, but that was taken on the new server)
My Priest was a Human. I got her Benediction (in Wrath, but at level 60) then I retired her. I pretty much haven’t touched Priest since, though I’m hoping to change that in SL. Maybe I’ll roll a Void Elf?
I know it’s a staff, but it still makes my Priest grumpy that she can’t use it because she has a main + offhander combo.
Still beats being stuck with a wand though.
Did Blizzard really just give our Void Elves fel eyes? Lmao
We should have our list for BEs, for everything VEs get!
1)Dark Ranger Undead BE theme via customization
2)More Light themes you introduced
3) Tattoos that make sense for the varying magisters be they mage or warlock. Then follow up with Farstrider stuff etc
4) Jewelry is a big one for me it’s been shown, taken away, shown, assumed, I want it for both genders! As befits a magister of Quel’thalas!
I can’t think of anything else but I’m open to suggestions! I think we should have good grounds to get a lot of long wanted BE stuff in and I’m excited!
Is this in Alpha? If so, I’d take that as hard confirmation you can play a Silvermoon Scholar who learned how to use the Void.
Void Elves should not get Fel Eyes or Light based Eyes. They don’t need to share everything.
Glad Night Elves got their leaf hair finally.
Can Fel and Void even fuse?