New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

It’s a color addition. Nothing more, nothing less.


(Response) well then this is the happiest day of my WoW life. I was really saddened to hear the eyes would only be on NPCs, but to hear they confirmed otherwise makes me content beyond words!


I’m not an aficionado on WoW lore, but weren’t they exiled prior to the changes to their bodies? Also, Alleria is a normal skinned elf that still caused the sunwell to go bonkers.

(Commentary): I would Like your post but I ran out for the day. Suffice to say, I am glad the people who genuinely wanted blue eyes for Blood Elves without any sort of malice now get to enjoy it!


They literally left the Alliance because they bascially alienated and chastised them while they were at rock bottom. They lost their family and friends and while starved, turned to fel to sate their hunger. It’s the reason I left the Alliance in TBC.

As a huge Blood elf enthusiast. Let them have their void Elf/human skin tone color. It doesn’t bother us unless we want it to bother us.

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woooot. now thats cool. /hugs all around :sparkling_heart:

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I mean the void elves before they were “void elves”. They were exiled because they were researching void stuff while they still held their normal bodies right?

Says you? They were an interesting race and they tie uniquely with one of the windrunner sisters. Why would you ask “durr who cares” to someone that obviously cares. That right there made your entire post irrelevant.

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I’m going to totally put blue eyes on my VE’s, but I’m, going to keep the voidy skin tones.

Shimmering blue eyes really pulls the whole look together.


Is Blizzard insane? This is going to destroy faction balance.

YESSSSS, high elves finally!! I LOVE THIS SO MUCH.

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And then there was only one race horde have I like that’s exclusive. Vulpera

We are the horde now

Lol how? If any fake Hordies want to pick up and leave then that’s their choice.
They weren’t true Horde to begin with anyways.
As for “balance” the Horde has been outnumbering the Alliance anyways.


Void elves are a huge retcon. Don’t get me wrong.

Why would High Elves who were alienated from the Alliance and join the Horde EVER consider rejoining the Alliance? Better yet, why would the Alliance accept said race that they detested for succumbing to fel addiction pick them up after the Horde EXILED THEM FOR EXPERIMENTING WITH VOID MAGIC!!! A subject that makes fel experimentation look like paltry in comparison?

It was a retcon to give Alliance a pseudo High Elf option.

If I were an Alliance player wanting to play high elves I’d be so happy with that decision, even though it makes no heckin’ sense…


Additional options so both factions can get a bit closer to their roots (High Elves).
I see this as a big win whilst keeping the established identities of the two playable races that have evolved from their ‘pure’ high elf past.

why are the female toes so detailed but the males have jagged nubs

don’t ask why i looked


Hi! Happy to see the additional customizations! One question, will there be in-game story implications as well?

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The reason why this sequence of events seems nonsensical to you, is because almost none of what you said is canonically accurate; the one exception being that it is true that the Alliance was willing to accept these people into their midst, despite their utilizing dangerous Void-based energies.

A man of culture, I see…


so if enough people on the forum cry about things you cave in…well, what about the millions of others that think this is silly or a waste of time?