Unfortunately, this seems to be a trend with Blizzard in recent years.
They can put out some nice stuff, but others are a little bit… well, you know.
Unfortunately, this seems to be a trend with Blizzard in recent years.
They can put out some nice stuff, but others are a little bit… well, you know.
But…is it a slap in the face?
I really dislike the forum software, treating everyone like they’re 10 is so stupid. tbh I’d rather discuss WoW elsewhere, but everywhere else is either full of legit edgelords or perverts.
It is what these forums feel like today. Nothing more than a slap in the face. This is why I rather go back to the old forums.
What? These forums are an AU?
More like an ill thought out mistake.
Yes! Now drink!
So, a WoD version of the forums. I agree.
Yikes! Yes ma’am…er Elf…
Winners say no to drugs.
Imagine paying more money for a worse system ecks dee.
This is my assessment as well, I think you know from my posts all I would like is confirmation about the HE wayfarers being new VE recruits is my personal main goal, aside from Dark Ranger customization for BEs.
Is that so? I haven’t been keeping up that closely to it, I just hope what ever jewelry ends up being goes to both genders, as I would like things for my male BE as well, and I like the status jewelry represents, it is upper echelon and wealth that befits many a Blood Elf!
Yes indeed, I actually rather like and value your opinion in a lot things now that I have seen anyways.
Hopefully they see these comments in support of these options Fezzy! One can only hope! I am still deciding my fourth character, I’m actually considering hunter more, I could be MM for the ranger appeal, or survival I think it’s melee…? Either way I wanted a semi melee class to change things up but if I dislike it I can retreat back to my ranged loving ways! A bit of a toss up for VE or BE though ugh… either way tattoos on that class seem like a perfect fit to me! I’m sure many would like them on any character but definitely the more Farstrider/Warrior typed classes.