New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

(Commentary): Unlikely, but highly beneficial. It wouldn’t just be Void/High Elves benefiting from that. Wildhammer, Sand/Ice/Forest Trolls, San’layn, etc…


Exactly. All it would require is literally labeling them as High Elves with different racials. Of course that isn’t going to happen.

I’d love a sub-race system, but we got ARs instead. Moving forward, it seems as if they’re going to do sub-races as customization instead. If they do it right, it could end up working well for most. A model toggle for Trolls to be able to select the larger Forest/Ice Troll model for example.


(Commentary): Perhaps a Dire Troll option. If Orcs can get straight backs, there isn’t much reason for Trolls to not hulk out.


So explain your character starting out in Telogrus Rift.

Yes! Maybe Dire Orcs too?


Game play restrictions.


While I don’t see Blizzard going so far as to say non-void using High Elves are joining the Void Elves, I think an alternative use of terminology would make such an unlikely decision by Blizzard more palatable.

Saying “non-void using High Elves are joining the Ren’dorei”, referring to the Ren’dorei more as an organization of elves under Alleria’s banner, rather than a race, makes such a scenario more reasonable to accept.

But again I don’t see Blizzard going that far to appease High Elf fans. If we even get any lore blurbs at all, they will probably just say “some High Elves and Blood Elves are studying the void under Alleria and Locus Walker”, and leave it at that.


If high elves without the void get’s a power boost without going void, then what would be the point of void elves going through the trouble?

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Or perhaps you’re trying to apply your personal RP head canon to game mechanics.

All they really need to do is say the Silver Covenant joined the Void Elves under Alleria and Umbric’s banner and have taken up their teachings.

Boom end of story.


Tho if Silver Covenant does get merged into Void Elves I think they’d need to be called the Void Covenant to signal a unification of the two groups.

Boom is right. The forums would go nuclear. :scream:

Considering what the silver covenent witnessed with darker magics, I doubt all of them would be happy with that choice.

Well. The well of eternity supercharged the speed. The life on the natural world exists because Freya builds it.

But that’s still a kind of limited subset of things on Azeroth that have evolution guided by nature magic. The Titan-forged beings, Mogu, Elementals, etc are all pre-Emerald Dream let’s build some organic stuff Freya things.

But like… Tauren and Quilboar would be natural. But even then… High Mountain Tauren have antlers because an Old God gives them antlers. not because of evolution.

Well considering their leader is Vereesa and her sister is leading the charge, I don’t think it would be too crazy to have elves putting trust in a revered hero of their race.

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If you read the short comic before bfa released, she wasn’t all that thrilled with her sister using void magics.

No one needs to be reading that comic.

Are you referencing the twins?

it is cannon unfortunatly…

I also feel that since turalyon and alleria has there personal armies, maybe it’s time for the son to get one. :sunglasses: