New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

If Blizzard says Void Elves aren’t actually Void Elves, I guess I’ll have to accept that. I wouldn’t hold your breath waiting for that announcement though. :roll_eyes:

The void ones using void options would be. The ones not using void options are considered high elves. Simple.

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So Alleria isn’t a Void Elf?

She has a void form.

Is she a Void Elf? Yes or no.

Current void elves are BOTH former blood elves AND high elves, as indicated in the unlock scenario (where there are high elf NPCs present following players around) and in Telgorus rift, where we see both coming through portals to learn the void ways.

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They can pick things up and manipulate objects. Xe’ra grabbed and lifted Illidain.


I expect we’ll see more allied race customization added in 9.1 and 9.2.
And i’m sure in addition to a bit more high elf-looking cosmetics, the team will want to push the void end of things a bit more too.

Meanwhile, i still think dark ranger/san’layn stuff is in the works for blood elves, especially since we have Kael’thas redemption coming in the Revendreth raid.

As far as fel-inspired blood elves, i suppose there’s the unique demon hunter customization options.


Not dressed in red and gold armor, though.

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Yes because she has a void form. Anyone who chooses any degree of void options would be a void elf. Anyone who uses none of them is a high elf.


Entropic Embrace means all Void Elves have a void form, regardless of their skin tone.

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And if we had the option to shut it off and used all non void options we could be considered high elves.


Not really, You are still playing an elf that studied the void and performed the void ritual meaning your still a void elf.

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According to dev tweets, Kul Tirans are the same race as Stormwind Humans. They just went with the larger model to differentiate the playable Kul Tirans aesthetically. As we can see in game, most Kul Tiran NPC’s use the standard Human model.


Even if that was an option, wouldn’t players who chose those options still get chewed out in the Cathedral in Stormwind? Unless they add some sort of sub-race toggle, which would be an entirely new system and is therefore unlikely.


I would accept whatever lore reasons are stated until otherwise changed.


This started with me asking Shadows if they would accept it if the devs said those who choose no void options can be considered high elves rather than void elves.


The pc studied the void in telegros yes? They did the void ritual yes? It’s pretty clear cut. It’s difficult to have a sub race of a race that is specifically attached to a form of magic.


They should merge the body jewelry, and the bracers options. Make them connected in the same category. Those bracers, just by themselves, are extremely “meh”. The body jewelry was far more noticeable, and decorated the body instead of just leaving it plain. Removing it leaves Blood Elves kind of lacking in the “tattoo” area that other races are getting.

Okay so say the devs say that for game play reasons they chose not to add high elves as their own ar. So these ones wouldn’t have gone through any void ritual and could be considered regular high elves.

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