New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

I believe Chronicle suggests that the Zandalari are the progenitors of all other trolls.

And I think that Vol’jin book covers them evolving over thousands of years.

Looking through the replies it seems that others found that too.

Also every time I’ve seen a dev talk about it and the way its talked about in game suggests they evolved and were not changed by the loa or any other power.

The only two exceptions are with Zandalari who were the progenitor, and the Dark trolls turning into Night Elves with the Well of Eternity.

Yep. The quote about them being lower castes of the Zandalari empire is on that same wowpedia page too, until they left the empire due to various disagreements and later built all the different empires of their own, The Amani, Gurubashi, Zul’drak etc.

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So… in WoW Chronicles the word Evolve happens four times. Once it’s used because the Aqir “Gradually Evolve due to their proximity to the old gods.”

The other times it’s referring to the evolution of civilization rather than actual species.

But when referring to Trolls:

Some backstory though. So there are things that do evolve on Azeroth, that Freya created. These aren’t the titanforged or tons of other things. But the Old Gods, animals, plants and Trolls.

But, guided by nature magic and the well of eternities arcane energies.

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The titans super charged evolution of the natural world so it wouldn’t take eons.

The trolls still evolved as one would expect, save the Dark Trolls that became Night Elves.

On a side note, I don’t know of a reason to assume Draenei didn’t evolve naturally either. (Eredar technically before the schism) ((and I mean before the schism itself. I suspect they’ve been changed since.))

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There’s so little on pre Sargeras contact Eredar that it’s impossible to say.

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Aye. Was hoping someone with chronicle might have something. Lol

What if they come out and say they are high elves? Would you accept that?


The eredar are already built up by the time they’re mentioned.

Argus was home to the highly advanced eredar, a race far more intelligent than any other Sargeras had encountered. The eredar hungered for knowledge above all else. By attaining it, they believed they could shape the universe into a better and more benevolent place.

A triumvirate of leaders ruled over the eredar, not by might or fear, but by contemplating the great questions of the cosmos and sharing the answers with their people. The mighty Archimonde had a gift for finding the strengths in those around him. His bold demeanor inspired his followers, filling them with the confidence and the courage to face any challenge. Kil’jaeden, the most brilliant of the rulers, was considered a prodigy even among the gifted eredar. Witty and cunning, he reveled in puzzling out the most confounding mysteries of the cosmos. Last there was Velen, the spiritual heart of the triumvirate. He stood as a relentless champion of peace, who’s wisdom could defuse any conflict.

Individually, each member of the triumvirate would have made an excellent leader. But it was together, with each of their strengths working in synergy, that they elevated their people to heights undreamt of.

Chronicle 1, page 51

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Eredar always seemed to me to be “maximum evolved civilization” levels of evolved.

The simple fact that they just “got on their spaceship”, to escape Argus makes me think they’re at their max level of “evolved”.

It was a Naaru ship actually. K’ure brought them the Genedar to escape on.

That spaceship wasn’t theirs, thought. It was from the Naaru.

It seems that there’s a link between the eredar and the naaru. The eredar had naaru relics way before the naaru contacted Velen.

So are all their spaceships just Naaru ships?

How’d the naaru build them :fearful:


The Light!
(Actually I have no idea)

Figure it can’t be easy to build anything when you have no hands and are a giant floating chandelier

They seem like they’d have telekinesis of some kind.

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High Elves that were transformed to Void Elves or non voided High Elves?

Non voided with void free options.

So Void Elves without void options aren’t actually Void Elves at all, even though they have the racial tag and abilities? That ridiculous even by Blizzard’s standards. :rofl:

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If the ones without void options are high elves for the sake of not making a separate race, that isn’t that ridiculous.


It’s really not.

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