New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

That posture is no longer useful, that Ioon use it to deny the skins in the void elfs or that the high elves like Ar leave, since they would be identical to the blood elfs

Now it doesn’t matter you can become one just like the horde

I was talking about highelves. They’ve been in WoW since the start
They’re in EPL, Dustwallow Marsh, WPL and other places I’m sure

The high elves in vanilla were all Alliance aligned or neutral.

So the horde didn’t have them in vanilla.

Thus they got them in TBC with the Blood Elves.


Suppose Blizzard comes out and says despite the new options, these are still canonicity Void Elves. Shouldn’t everyone accept this, regardless of what they want to RP as?

Of course, the main factor that was to double the race in both factions is now in a bad position because if they have doubled

For the other of how blizzard wants them to be, let’s wait for the next stream

Of course they’re canonically Void Elves. They have the Void Elf racials and are tagged as Void Elf. The new options might open up the possibility of being a High Elf who learned the Void and took up the Ren’dorei name though.


Whatever you RP is what you RP.

My issue is when people are actively trying to disregard lore to make their RP the only option…


Exactly. I’m glad at least some posters here can tell the difference.


Way I’ll see it my High Elf was willing to dabble with void because he respects Alleria and the idea of breaking his connection with the Sunwell sounds appealing to him. Otherwise he’s just an Alliance High Elf


I’m probably imagining something similar with Somand, but with her being a Half Elf. Not sure if I’ll use the shorter ears though (if they’re available to Void Elves). The WC3 Beta Half Elves had long ears anyway.

Oh? You have a citation for that?

It’s more likely they’re different due to the Loa they worship.

Guys, the servers are on, but there’s nothing new for void elves (except female purple eye was enabled this time). Blood elves got bug fixes and bracelets for females, but that’s it.

For anyone interested in seeing some galleries with random customization:


Blood Elves


Dem undies be hard work. :wink:

Are they still locked to DKs?


I don’t think we’re going to see much for Void Elves or any Allied Races until a very later date.


That is how I see it too! A High Elf wayfarer who takes up the name Void Elf and is willing to see it as a tool / something to be utilized, and a respect for Alleria!


Now, they are enabled for all classes.

Probably they are not even being worked on right now. Under what I know of agile software development, the decision to add the skins was just a few weeks ago, so they are in end of the line waiting for their turn.

Yes, it will take some time. I hope night elves are next.


I assumed as much. I was just being silly.

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I don’t think I can link anything yet, but from the WoWpedia under Trolls “Geneology”, it lists the Zandalari trolls are the parent race of all trolls.

The WoW wiki on the other hand lists them as “The progenitor troll race”.


It’s a fair assumption that like elves with magic, trolls acclimate to their environment incorporating elements of that environment into their bodies. Hence dino features of Zandalari and moss on variations of forest trolls. Something which they do not appear able to develop in a single lifetime, rather gradually pass down component traits.

Though maybe not specifically genetic, they must have some sort of heritable mutable information which results in adaptive radiation.

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According to that Vol’jin novel the various troll sub-species were originally lower castes of trolls who evolved into separate sub-species over thousands of years.