New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

This stands out as especially odd in Shadowlands in my opinion. At least Dark Iron Dwarves were fireforged or w/e by Ragnaros. Kul Tirans are different just because they’re an AR, and for no other reason.

Here is hoping when the kul tiran’s get their customization pass, they can be the skinny human models too as ppl requested.


Discussing lore isn’t arguing semantics. These new options mean that lore wise, Void Elves aren’t limited to blue and purple skin. It also implies they are able to create more and not limited to just Umbric’s group that was exiled. Being able to RP as a non voided High Elf is just an added bonus.

they should calm down and wait for blizzard’s official response the rest is to argue nonsense

I do not think it will be long and we will leave doubts and there we can already say if it is ok or not

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I love this so much. :heart:

Being entirely from one small group was narratively stifling.


Maybe Kul Tirans are different because they have been isolated on their own island continent for hundreds of years.

WoW doesn’t have genetic drift.

All racial changes in WoW are due to magic.


Since so many of them use the default Human model, I’d say no. There are some hints of part Drust blood, but none of it is confirmed.


There is a chance of them being magically influenced. But people keep trying to insert real life genetics into a setting with creationism.


I think that if I agree with the alliances that the slot of the kultiranos is wasted

simply adding skins of fat humans or larger in normal humans was enough, it is a slot is a complete waste and does not add anything new

I mean, that was gonna keep happening if they did Wild Hammer Dwarves, Forest Trolls, etc. as Allied Races instead of customizations.

The ones you mention are clans, not races, they do not need to be an AR to function, their difference is minimal between colors, but they share a lot of culture.

the problem with the kultirans is that they tried to make them different by druidism, so that it would suffice as an allied race, something that could be left over and put in that slot another race that was a druid but that was very different from something they already had

It would take a handsworth of these hill dwarves to bring one from the aerie down.


This may help to the reason why we’re getting these customisations.

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What? Trolls have this.

Forest, Ice, jungle, Sand and Zandalari are all from the same initial stock. They drifted based on where they lived…

I suppose Dark too since they became more nocturnal over time… And then later magic into night elves.

There’s actually one Dark Troll left. From the Shadowtooth clan that never became Night Elves. The clan was wiped out by the Twilight’s Hammer save for Speaker Ik’nal apparently.


whatever is happening with the blood elves void elves has nothing to do with the video

I do not say it because it has similarity or not, but Ion confirm that it was discussed after the interview he had and said that the belfs would not have blue eyes, that I uncovered a war in the forum

I don’t know what they would discuss that day and they came to this arrangement, blue eyes for the belfs and skin tones for the void elfs

Now let’s wait for the summary when it is the stream and they tell us what they are doing because, and if they want to justify it with lore

The rest is to kill oneself, nobody can say it is 100% is this, blizz is the only one, do not waste yourself in silly fights, let’s wait for the official position

Yeah, when ever that is.

For years the official position was Blood Elves are High Elves and the Horde is waiting for you. That clearly wasn’t accepted by many. The same could happen again.


Aye I imagine there may be more too… Just hidden as they do.