New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Why else are they there? They’re looking to gain power…

There tell you that when you talk to them.

Edit: I think my words are getting off course.

Both options exist and until blizzard states such things we have to assume they’re void elves. Lore supports the blueberries and the Allerian kind.

They are called “Voidcrafted Ravasaurs”. Meaning Void Elves used the void to make them Voidy. You even see Void Elves strolling along shooting purple lasers at these Raptors during the quest.

Infact the Void Elves doing it are called “7th Legion Voidshaper”.

I was joking.

None of the Troll bosses who use the MoP Troll models do, presumably as these were designed from the ground up to be bosses.

I believe there’s only one High Elf you can turn into. Sadly you will be listed as Blood Elf when playing as her, since the High Elf skins are NPC skins for Blood Elves.

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Eh. Until Blizzard says something lorewise we can’t assume anything.


You know what they say about curiosity…

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That i’m condescending you, yes.

Like i said, you can stop replying, you seem to have a higher stake in the high elf possibility being wrong than you’re actually letting on. :thinking:

Why tho???

We can make a fair assumption I think of the wayfarers and scholars given how Alleria became a void elf.

Now we have skins to back that type up.

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Avarie is the queen of the night elves and the best thing since sliced bread!


It seems as though this is Blizzard’s intent with races going forward. You are a member of the race, and any sub-factions such as Wildhammer vs Bronzebeard Dwarves or ex-High Elf vs ex-Blood Elf Void Elves are up to the player.


It’s kind of the opposite, until Blizzard says something lorewise if/whenever they do, all we have are assumptions. And all of them are equally valid/invalid.

Schrodinger’s Elf, as it were.


I will allow it.


It’s good being the queen!


We can’t assume anything vs all assumptions are equally valid is kinda the same thing, isn’t it?

But you get a like for Shrodinger’s Elf.


It was intended to be a joke. :stuck_out_tongue:


Of course they are Void Elves, because that is the only playable race the Alliance has.

Would be close enough if they where forced to split into a choice of lightforging or void infusing. :slight_smile:

But Kul Tiran humans do specify. So it makes sense they look different and have different racials.

I find it so weird that this detail is that important to everyone.

Does anyone really think the people who were inclined to use these options to make a “High Elf” are suddenly not going to do that or feel any differently about it if Blizzard came out and said “these are not High Elf options”, or “btw all of the Void Elves you ever create no matter what are very definitely recent Blood Elf expats who defected within the last few years no matter which options you pick”?

Like why does this matter? If it’s about not wanting to see more “High Elf” options pop up beyond what we know is coming… If Blizzard is inclined to say either of the above then those additional options some are worried about wouldn’t be coming anyways. And if they are intended to be High Elf stand-ins then all the semantic arguing feels really silly in hindsight.