New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Just more requests.

People have been inspired by Warcraft for 25 years. Some of them are gonna want to be a big Troll. After all. They can see big trolls and they’re trolls. So why can’t their Troll lift weights?

So people just have to keep asking.

Wildhammer Dwarves requests was a comparatively tiny request after all.

So are Gilgoblins but it’s not impossible that Gilgoblins will become playable.

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Oh i’m very open to it, it’s also pointless to argue with someone who decides to rain on anyone’s parade by dismissing likely possibilities until they hear concrete facts that no one has yet.

It’s funny that you think it doesn’t work both ways.

And i personally wont accept it, all this does is show your stance on the matter.

But that’s neither here nor there. :man_shrugging:

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I was just asking if they were done with Trolls in Alpha.

The Hinterlands will now be a Bronze Dragon locked timetravel thing, so it isn’t relevant anymore. Blizzard seems to be taking races in a new direction going forward, where Dwarves aren’t automatically assumed Bronzebeard, Trolls aren’t assumed Darkspear, etc.

Sure it sucks for the old content, but that content is kinda being deprecated in a way.

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So according to gameplay limitations you can’t play a Forest Troll, a Wildhammer Troll or a High Elf.

But you can make your character look like all of those things.


I think you have the option to play the old content.

But it does iron out a few of the racial issues you might have.

Yeah I would like that too. It was always a bummer to me that the Yaungol never joined up with the Horde back in MOP.

Would give a thumbs up by i’m outta likes.

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Or they’re just adding eye colors to them for the Wayfarers and Scholars doing it the Allerian way not the Trap way.

Yes, but if I recall correctly you need to have a max level character (or maybe level 50?) to unlock it, so new players won’t see it.

Oh. Sorry. I don’t know. Where’s Alamara when you need her?

I don’t think so. I think all of the character customization stuff is a work in progress. But maybe…

There’s no issue.

Which is for the best because even though the lore is dope the leveling progression is garbage.

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when you create a dwarf character it only says dwarf, and when you create troll the same

contrary when we create blood elves or void elfs, if it says belonging to an exclusive point of the thalasian race

the same with humans, doesn’t say human from stormwind

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While the skin tone options are nice I don’t think it’s going to fully satisfy the people who want that fantasy. Similar to the High Elf/Void Elf debate going on. I think most people who want Forest Trolls want to be a big intimidating looking troll. They don’t want to look like an exiled runt of that tribe lol.

Are you REALLLY a Forest or Ice troll without being big and buff?

I think not.

Well if you want Buff trolls, now’s the time to say something.

Lorithyn here is literally just a guard

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Yeah. Island Trolls are skinny.

I’d like the Night Elf male Body available for Nightborne… and vice versa in case anyone wants to play a skinny Night Elf dude.

I think the human body types should be unlocked as well.

Interestingly, if you use Transmorpher Beacon and turn into certain bosses, you will be listed as Ice Troll or a Forest Troll on mouse-over. Vrykul as well.

Sure, i’m positive they have an ocean of Void Naaru laying around waiting to be vacuumed up.

Seems likely.

Maybe if you roplay that your character went on a diet, leading to the lean body.

Vegan Trolls.

Renotarshil is just a Former Non Paladin Blood Knight turned Spellbreaker Elite. Yay for RP.