New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

I know I’m gonna make a brand new Blood Elf Warrior the day they update the starter zone…

Assuming they don’t trash the starter zone altogether and force everyone onto that Noob Island when addressing Azuremyst and Eversong…

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Actually i’m not refusing to see any kind of scenario at all (you would know that if you read my posts).

What i’m saying is people shouldn’t be making up scenarios in their heads and that is exactly what everyone is doing.

The only thing I have ever been asking for are facts and people haven’t been able to offer me any hard facts so until that happens y’all are just making things up.


I mean, the way I see it is if these options represent High Elves, they’d be ones that took the name Void Elf just as Alleria did.


Regarding the new high elf options for blood elves and void elves…

A high elf by any other name would still look as sweet. :blue_heart: :sparkles:

Yes, i made up the High Elves seen in the hub and around Stormwind hanging with Void Elves.


You’re making up your own scenario on a bunch of NPC’s that were added like 2-3 years ago and you have NO idea what blizzard is doing in this… So yes, you’re making up a scenario.

and until they come out and tell us exactly why we are getting these options, it is not a fact.

A winky/cheeky face is not a fact.
“Some of you may be interested” is not a fact.

“We are giving high elf options to void elves” <— That would be a fact. A fact nobody can provide to me STILL.

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Sooo… You think those eyes cannot at all ever in any capacity be void elves. Despite it being void elf customization?

Void elves aren’t going anywhere. The options give you the choice to RP but until that lore is added they’re all void elves in game.

They were High and Blood Elves.

Edit : don’t get me wrong I hope that lore in some capacity is added.


If they did that i’d like to see the Horde counterpart be allowing the Buff Troll model FINALLY be available to players who want the full on Forest Troll or Ice Troll look. Maybe even a playable version of the THICC blood troll model. Im pretty sure that already uses the Kul Tiran rig.


That would be nice.

I do love the buff Troll model. It’s been annoying that Blood Elves can murder them but you can’t play them.

But are they finished with Trolls in Alpha?

You’re right, eluding to the fact that some people might find these options interesting because they blatantly feed the high elf aesthetic, is not a fact and definitely means nothing until official lore.

We done Lights?

I do, if they explain void elves being unvoided AND had their fel taint cleansed at the same time, since you know, Void elves were Blood Elves.

For gameplay purposes obviously not.

I’m pretty sure they’re getting the Green Forest Troll skin tones and Ice Troll skins too. I like that but it’s kinda meh if they cant get the proper body type to match it imo.

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Yep a jacked Beserker troll or anything that actually adds character models in customization.

No just colors

You still again, haven’t offered me any facts… Besides a winky face (im sorry that makes me actually laugh lol).

it’s pointless to argue with someone who can’t even be open to the possibility that they are wrong…

So yeah, we’re done.

Just remember. When the day comes and i’m wrong i’ll be happy to apologize.

I hope this camp will be as gracious if they have to do the same.

And? If you go to the Hinterlands they’re still gonna talk to you like you’re a bronze beard.

Forest Trolls are gonna treat you like a Darkspear.

Those are gameplay issues.

Does that mean you’re not playing a Wildhammer or a Forest Troll?

Irony intensifies.


I’d like to see Taunka/Yaungol options for Tauren as well. A lot of potential customization languishing as NPC only.

Yes according to the game unless somehow changed that would be the case, shouldn’t stop anyone from having fun in their own mind.

Unless your backstory involves you being royalty and the bestest thing since sliced bread.

You’re not using that correctly at all.

I’ve admitted many times that I have no idea what the story is and i’ve said many, many, many times I will apologize if I was wrong.