New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Directly stated by two of them. As well as a statement of discussing it on discord.

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Iā€™ve been told some in the High Elf discord say some nasty things about some of us, so it goes both ways.

Yeah, but if you are being trolled by people it isnā€™t appropriate and if you decided to put those people on ignore it would be a valid response.

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Iā€™ve been in the Helf Discord for a bit, and I can say that Iā€™ve never seen that happen before. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: They actively discourage behaviour like that.


Again, Iā€™m not in that Discord so I havenā€™t seen it myself. Just going by what others have told me.

Lvl 5 for me, please. I absolutely love the Entropic Embrace visual and would be thrilled for it to be constantly active.

I love this idea of different degrees of customization.


Same here.

Bring back the body jewelry. It was one of the more unique and interesting options. Maybe with more details, though.


From what I see, this can be compared to the critique of class homogenization. If people could complain and critique Blizz about the homogenization of classes at a mechanical level, why shouldnā€™t people be able to do the same with races at a visual level?

If people feel like they are losing a sense of uniqueness, that should be considered when giving more options. Else we end up with a system were no meaningful choice matters in races.

And yes the irony of me saying this as a Pandaren main is not lost on me, that is why I like advocating for options that help differentiate Pandaren between factions, adding things to make them look different. I love the Asian/oriental themes of Pandaren but would like things that help feel like I fit into the faction I chose.

Options are good, but when it starts overlapping, the sense of meaningful choice starts to disappear.


I would like to see where this is stated.

Thatā€™s nonsense.

I donā€™t suppose a suggestion that we maybe just try to drop it and move on would be out of the question? Yā€™all have been arguing in circles about who did who a disservice when and to what extent for the better part of a day now.

I know saying that thereā€™s raw feelings on both sides of this mess is an understatement at this point but this got silly a while ago.


Gladly can do.


I agree with a lot of your points. But High Elves are kind of a unique case. Theyā€™ve been in the Alliance since Vanilla, and theyā€™ve always shared the same-ish aesthetic as Blood Elvesā€¦ who are now obviously a Horde race.

If Blizzard were willing to, they could easily make the High Elves and Blood Elves distinct from each other without breaking the lore, though. Simple stuff like idle stances, animations and unique customization would be enough.

Void Elves are probably in a worse place than what they were in before now that we have these High Elf options coming. As far as Iā€™m aware, they can only give Void Elves unique hair options from the Blood Elves, which isnā€™t exactly the greatest compromise. For that reason alone, I can see why a few people would be a bit hesitant about the idea. Hopefully Blizzard can pull this off.


Honestly, I wish Blizzard had doubled down and given us MORE void options instead. Void Elves are the literal opposite of High Elves and should be treated as such.

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One of the reasons why I advocate for Darkfallen aesthetics for Blood Elves (besides liking vampires and gothic themes, and wanting them for my Blood Elf characters), is that it gives Blood Elf players an exclusive aesthetic avenue much as Void Elves have their void-themed aesthetic avenue exclusive to them.

In much the same way that High Elves are for the Alliance, Sanā€™layn and Dark Rangers have been seen in-game as allies of the Horde, but remain unplayable. Adding the Darkfallen aesthetic to Blood Elves allows those types of characters to be made, at least visually, much as the forthcoming options for Void Elves allow for a visual approximation of High Elves.

More options that are distinct for each race is an answer to avoiding homogenization, but themes can and will overlap at times. Particularly in the case of Blood Elves and Void Elves, and even Night Elves and Nightborne, and thatā€™s ok too.


Yeah. Dark Rangers.

But even Felblood Elves customizations could be appropriate.

Or more light themed customizations.

Indeed, and I will go on record to say I appreciate that.

I did not know you were a Void Elf. Iā€™m assuming you arenā€™t going to use any of the new customization options? What about the new eye colors? Is there a purpley one or am I imagining that? Actually how does the new customizations work for DKs you can use them too?

That isnā€™t what happened, though, and to be honest thereā€™s only so much traction you can get out of "what-if"ing this without just making yourself upset over it.

But more Void options are absolutely possible in the future (itā€™s not even out of the question that theyā€™ll be in this first wave if some of that Entropic Embrace stuff winds up being used a specific way). Iā€™m completely on your side that they should be there, regardless if itā€™s now or later in the expansion.

Iā€™ve brought it up before but those Nā€™Zoth/Azshara eyes that people have done mock-ups of before would be a really striking and extremely hard to miss void option that would go a ways towards adding some Void flavor, as would something like sunken eyeless sockets or fully blackened eyes (Iā€™m aware the latter two are treading on DH and NE territory but Iā€™m sure similar ideas can be done without being direct copies).

The eyes being separated out and new eye options coming in seem like they would open the door for some really creepy looking options that push to the other extreme.

Iā€™m not certain the Felblood theme would be appreciated by most Blood Elf players, if only due to the ā€œvillainā€ connotations they have, and because the Blood Elves seemed to have moved past that era of their culture. I donā€™t think the Horde in general, or Blood Elves in particular, need any more elements that can be seen as ā€œbadā€, ā€œevilā€, or ā€œvillainousā€, even if portrayed in a positive light.