New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

These are really pointless additions.

they are pretty though. and match the necklaces and body jewelry

Sure but like Body Jewelry, transmog is just going to cover most of it up to the point of no one will know what it is.

I hope Arator gets a visual update, using the half-elf ears and less-shiny eyes.
It’s always felt weird to me that he looked so clearly a blood elf.

Also, why does he ride a blood elf dragonhawk in the broken isles??


Quel’danil still have Dragonhawks too.


Thanks for the huge read. Gosh, I never seen such spitefulness of people who don’t want anyone else to have anything.

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He should have at least more of a body frame closer to humans too, he shouldn’t be as skinny as a BE.

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It’s because Blizz has never had a reason to make a half elf model. Especially after that Kalec abomination.

Who thinks this way?
Of course a gang, group is capable and liable if they bully other people. Just because you are with a ‘group’ who have decided something doesn’t give you any right or validity.


I don’t look at dragon human forms as a good representation for what it would look like. After all nozdormu’s look is a pale night elf, and then there is also deathwings human form

Doesn’t even have to be a gang. In schools there are Cliques that will bully someone and gang up on them. That person could be doing nothing wrong and get ignored or treated like trash by a group of people.

Exactly. I don’t know what Cally was thinking.

I have never seen such a thing in the entire time I have been on this forum. That is a pretty heavy accusation to make. Any proof of the matter?

Mmm. Where was this concern when groups of people were declaring they were forming groups against me?

And your statement lacks context. If you were in school and aggressive or acting inappropriately it isn’t bullying for people to discuss it. It’s also not as if the forums have DM’s.

And, once again, I’m not sure why this sudden concern has been absent. Several posters who I won’t name have openly stated they have an axe to grind against me.

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Who cares?


Not really. Kids get bullied by other groups of kids all the time for their looks, their interests, etc and if that kid dares to argue/fight back against the interest of the group they get shamed and picked on even more despite having done nothing wrong in the first place.

And arguing a different opinion in a discussion is not acting aggressive/inappropriate at all. I should also point out that the group of bullies don’t feel they are doing anything wrong when they bully and that they feel justified trying to eliminate anyone/thing this dislike/disagree with.

I haven’t seen this openly stated but if it has been openly stated then it is wrong.

Once again, there are a group of people who actively target me and chant femur at me.

I don’t care. I’m secure in myself. People on the internet don’t bother me.

But it is very literally bullying and yet no one seems particularly concerned.

So, in the absence of that, this sudden concern about someone who constantly trolls people being ignored by the group of people he constantly trolls is strange.

Where were these people for me?


I won’t name names but it is three posters currently in this thread who have even admitted to talking badly about me in a discord group and have openly stated they will follow me to post against me.

:man_shrugging: Who knows? Maybe some people don’t consider the femur thing to be worth defending. I mean you already know I disagreed with you on it heavily.

I’m not so sure about this, we all frequent the same type of threads to discuss the same subject “Pretty Elves”. So we should be expecting to see the same kind of people showing up.

But if this was stated that is pretty terrible to be stating to another user.

Everytime someone references me?

Yeah, so you don’t care.

That makes these complaints of yours about someone being bullied pretty hypocritical.

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