New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Red pandas and blue pandas. They’re angry over colors.

And I disagree with all 3 iterations of those races, as I posted earlier. I will always be against race cloning both within the same faction, and especially across to the opposite one.

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I don’t know that we would see anymore Allied races (as we have) now that there are so many choices through customization options. You’ll be able to be a Sand Troll or a Wild Hammer Dwarf.

This is really funny because Warcraft I and II are pretty much like the first War against Sauron in Lord of the Rings, Humans, and Elves against Orcs, and just like Lord of the Rings in Warcraft the bonds between elves and humans weakened after the first event/war. But like in Lord of the Rings were Elrond, and Galadriel helped a bit in the Ring’s journey and also sent an elven army to help Rohan fight off the Orcs in Helms Deep, in WoW not all elves turned their backs to their former allies, some few High Elves remained in the Alliance helping also a bit in Burning Crusade, Wrath, Pandaria, and in other minor events.

So, Blizzard kinda followed the exact same route.

Not to mention that the story that was showcased in the movies focused, besides the hobbits, mostly on the humans and orcs, exactly like WoW does when the war is the main theme…

If Blizzard wanted to be different they should’ve have followed the ESO route were Orcs and Humans are allies and fight off the elves.

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And you can disagree all you want, doesn’t mean they don’t and won’t continue to exist, regardless of whatever customization options they gain in the future.

The damage is already done, you don’t get to use old issues as a reason for people to not follow the only avenue Blizzard has presented them with :man_shrugging:.

Maybe with different coloring and slightly different body features, these races would’ve worked out in both story and ingame representation across opposite factions. I know it would’ve made a quite a few people I know on the Alliance happy in the case of Vulpera.


Just no.

If you want a LOTR mmo, there’s LOTRO and I hear amazon? is making one too. Warcraft is warcraft, it is not LOTR, has never been LOTR, and never will be LOTR. Stop trying to force a game that is its own thing to conform to a tired fantasy formula.

Is there still a Warhammer MMO?

Edit: Nope, not anymore.

There’s a really popular private server for it since they took down the official ones.


Was it fun? I never cared much for the Old World, unlike the new one. Sigmar is my sugar daddy. You know you love him too.

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Fantastic for large-scale PvP since they really nailed concepts like tanks in PvP, but the PvE is dead.

You’re dead to me.

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It was you who brought up the Pandaren though, I only commented on how I view them as a response. Nightborne/void elves however are hardly anything old at this point, as this thread is primarily made to announce a NEW fundamental change to one of them, which in turn relates to the other one (Nightborne) being the “equivalent trade”. Both fit in the same context of this feedback/discussion.

Ah, a Nagash fan I see. He’s my other sugar daddy.

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did someone say great horned rat?

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Literally no one ever.

Do you know what ‘obstinate’ means?

To question if they are Wildhammer or Sand Troll customisations is absurd.

If it quacks and walks like a duck…

They’re 2 years old, they’re not a new issue at this point.

And void elves getting high elf customization is not a fundamental change, it’s an optional aesthetic choice that affects no one but the person playing said choice.

If you feel Nightborne aren’t equal to void elves in “trade” then you should let Blizzard know and raise awareness and campaign for said issue just like high elf fans campaigned for a High elf avenue, even if it’s been delivered in less than ideal ways.

Like it or not, story-wise Blizzard’s take between elves and humans diplomatic relations, followed almost exactly the LOTR route.

Want another similar take? Human potential… Aragorn and Arwen / Turalyon and Alleria / Nathanos and Sylvanas, funny how even the Horde has their own version XD.

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Until Warcraft 3 when they decided they wanted to stop telling someone else’s story.

Warcraft 3 included since not all elves left their former allies, that’s my point. Elves played a minor role in LOTR helping the humans after the first war pretty much like in WoW were just a few High Elves helped the Alliance.