New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

it is very well possible, but i am more hyped about the announcement of naga druid forms

Guess the same applies to you thinking we’re trying to steal the blood elf aesthetic even after actively campaigning for their differentiation.

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Right back at you.

You’re looking for a pattern off of only two points. I look forward to the remaining Alliance high elves being rolled up into the existing factions and no longer standing in the background or getting an occasional bit in someone else’s story. After all if I wanted to I could chart that course as well, but if you take these events into account, we don’t know what will happen.

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Even the all important high elven t-shirt enthusiast?

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Wait, is that a thing or are you expressing wishful thinking?

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On top of losing a core Horde race unique visual appearance, we lose in the sense of immersion too (this differs in value from one player to another). If in Shadowlands I go into a battleground, and it’s me as Orc, 60% of my teammates being Bloodelves, and half if not more of the enemy faction also being blood elf clones, that would not feel like two unique opposite factions fighting.

And before the inevitable “Immersion is a selfish excuse to deny us a clone of a core race from your faction” comment, I’ll say everybody plays this game for different, yet equally valid reasons. Some like to RP, some like high end content, and some do casual leveling. I do a mix of all the above (with the focus being high end content).

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its a thing, dare i say the name that people get mad over asmongold, he showed that it is in the files, and is on his latest video, go take a look, im excited and hope they dont take it back.

Void elves already do this, they have the exact same silhouette as blood elves, this is a non-issue.

Void elves looking more like High elves doesn’t matter when you see them clad in armor.

You can also target them as an enemy, I fight Pandaren with my Pandaren all the time with 0 issue.


It’s not even just customization options people suggested. It was culture as well. Especially involving the High Elves becoming a more nature based people taking up shamanism and druidism. At least in the case of the Hinterlands elves.


And that’s great, but we shouldn’t be expected to defend ourselves against fan art and fan fiction when talking about the game. That’s not a serious position we have to address.


Yes, and people should only make reasonable statements with backup evidence, like i do for the naga druid forms. I think that the new skins for void elves is hype, even as a lore person, it kind of is confusing, but there is silvermoon scholars and stuff visiting telogrus rift too.

Good thing you’re not and your fighting Blizzards established, in-game lore of Alliance High Elves hu?

But your right, your need to feel unique trumps canon lore.


I think it also allows them to flip assets rather then flesh out Void Elves further. Less work.

Hopefully the options for other races are good enough to draw in more players.


But you also gotta think, maybe they are void elves but they just don’t show corruption, but they could also be able to restrain it further, to the point where it is not visible.

naga are also very unique, but then most likely they will be the new 60%

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But that is precisely why I don’t really like the Pandaren race in WoW, they have no identity. Their existence on both factions renders them null in my eyes. They may aswell not exist. This is sad when I really enjoyed Chen stormstout in Warcraft 3.

Blizzard should’ve (imo) given Pandas to one faction, and fish/Hozen people to the other (doesn’t matter who gets which). I bet that would’ve made them overall more popular.


it would have been nice to have playable pandaren actually have a connection to pandaria as well


But they do, and so do void elves.

And so do Nightborne who animate like Night elves when in combat so you face the same issue.

It’s already happened 3 times, it’s not really an issue with any weight at this point.

I think they messed that up by not having a good solid divide between the factions of pandas, it was basically just a bunch of PC types without any NPCs, they’re all just out for the adventure of it all.

I think they could have done something with vulpera as both faction, each island has its own spin on them, you have the caravan ones by the horde, and then pirate ones on the alliance side. Each has its own culture and personality and there’s more to work with in giving each side their own stories.

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