New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Then I guess you understand my response to your post. Maybe don’t boil down arguments so much? Because, your representation of our arguments is not accurate.

Oh yeah? Then what is your argument?

The problem with trying to equate my position to yours is, at its core, my position is:

I’m asking for X

While your position is:

Don’t give them X

See the difference?

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The initial damage with void elves (and ofcourse Nightborne) was already done because it is trading respectively exact/almost exact model clones. That does not mean we should cheer for even further removal of what uniqueness left between these races.

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I see you arranging the argument in away that’s easier for you to attack.

No I am breaking it down to its simplest form. You’re just upset that you know I’m right.

That ships already sailed when they even thought of giving the Alliance the blood elf model in void elves, and it sailed even farther away when they decided to give them “regular” skin tones.

I also don’t get what you mean by damage, I literally see 0 damage, void elves were added and the horde is still the most populated faction in-game.

You didn’t lose anything, what are you afraid of now, thinking that you won’t be unique if the void elves get more high elf options?

Not only will you not interact with said void high elves, you’re blood elf story won’t be touched, so I’m not really following.

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I’m not upset and you aren’t right.

“You’re just upset because you can’t make other people adopt your opinions.” See how might seem obnoxious?

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I don’t see what you wrote as obnoxious. I see what you wrote as just… well… wrong. But hey you do you. If you think you’re going to have any better results with the same tactics this time around, then be my guest and go for it. But don’t say I didn’t warn you when it blows up in your face.

except much of what you’re asking can in a way be seen as taking away from others. I’ll skip the void elf side as you refuse to think about those points. But while they show up in alliance questing, they show up some in horde questing, and one of the big groups of high elves is a pretty solid villain to the blood elf story. If those elves are turned into the playable elves, then the ending to that aspect of the blood elf story that they deserve will be removed from them.

High elves as a whole getting swept into the void elves also removes other storylines. Reuniting or coming to an acceptance of each other are off the table. By making a faction of the race playable on the opposite faction you take off future storylines others may have wanted to see.


You can see it as “taking” all you want, but it’s not actually true. Nothing is being “taken”, things are only being “shared”.

And where the story goes is anyone’s guess. That’s up to Blizzard, I’m just along for the ride.

Nothing to steal it was already given.


In what way does making high elf playable make them any less of a tangible villain to the blood elves and horde quests, if anything it makes them more of a villain.

High elves have to have less of a role in the game because otherwise blood elves suffer?


Not only has that not been the case for a majority of scenarios where high elves have appeared, the blood elves already have a separate story in the horde that doesn’t involve alliance high elves, you needing them as an NPC crutch because you think blood elves don’t have enough development past BC is your own problem.


I guess that would go a long way in explaining your seeming inability to understand the perspective of other people.

This is based on how you think things work. I don’t think you have that knowledge. If I were to adopt your position, the same could be said of your “tactics”.

I don’t have any special knowledge. I just have the evidence in front of my face.

You guys fought tooth and nail to keep us from getting playable Alliance High Elves, even after we made herculean efforts to differentiate them from Blood Elves. But no, that was not acceptable.

The first result? Carbon copy Blood Elf model ported to alliance. But since that didn’t satisfy the demand the requests continued as did your opposition under the same premise. The second result? Blood Elf skins ported to alliance.

Wanna go three for three? You might push Blizzard to give us Paladins :stuck_out_tongue:


When did this happen? I just remember the herculean efforts to make something that looks nearly identical to a blood elf, but with a technical difference. Also a lot of attempts to co-opt themes that blood elves had just as much if not more claim to. Like trying to label the far striders as a high elf thing and not a blood elf one, which sounds a bit like trying to deny something to others to me.


Sorry if suggesting different body models, different idle poses, unique hairstyles and other unique customization options weren’t “good enough” in your eyes. Oh well, I guess we all just have to settle for straight copy/pastas instead.


If you’re looking for things to seem a certain way that’s how they’ll seem. It’s motivated reasoning.

Okay, but you’re not a developer and fan fictions are not important here. In the past we’ve argued against what is, there is no reason for us to address fan art seriously. And, nearly all of those efforts weren’t ‘herculean’, they were mostly just variations of the same thing. Often used to taunt us rather than engage.

If you want to keep blinders on I can’t help you.

You’ve seen the results of your position twice now. I’m willing to go a third round. Are you?

And we’re never asked for in volume equal to when high elves were being brain stormed.

A lot of your opposition came only when the Alliance asked for something and brain stormed several ideas for it then you swung in and said “no wait I deserve those”.