New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

I don’t make the rules, I just gave you some advice. But to answer your query, I see nothing wrong with asking for:

  • More stories where Blood Elves are being heroic and valiant and actual heroes of the Horde, and not being made out as villains.
  • More opportunities for the Horde in general to not be villains but rather do serious good and be the protagonists for a change.
  • More opportunities for the Alliance to be the villain for a change, or at least be the instigators of events rather than always reacting to what the Horde does.
  • Right now, members of the Horde have actual in-game reasons to want to defect to the Alliance. I’d like events in the future to not only paint the Horde in the “good guy” light, but also paint the Alliance in the “bad guy” light for a change, and to give members of the Alliance actual in game reasons to want to defect to the Horde.

Right now the Horde are stuck in the “bad guy” role. The Alliance needs more unambiguously “bad” antagonists who start conflict with the Horde for nebulous and often self serving reasons. The Horde then has to be the faction that reacts and tries to mend the fences instead of it always being the Alliance’s role.

If you say so. I thought we were just asking for “a copy of your most popular race” :roll_eyes:

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Too funny!

It didn’t look very genuine.

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Like you could spot what is genuine.

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I don’t feel like you were even trying with that one.

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You were trying? :rofl:

It can be both. But seriously there was so much whining about how blood elves aren’t the right elves, everyone had their own headcanoned version of what a real high elf is that they needed to be happy. And even now, when you’ve got most of what a high elf is in a gameplay sense, there’s more and more and more needs to be just the right thing. It’s kinda funny seeing you call other people out for snowflakism, when that’s what the high elf request has always been.

It was genuine and sincere though.

We all see the results of our conflict right here and right now. If you think it will end any differently a second time around, I won’t take that bet.

You want to limit just how much success we have with our requests for new options? Then you need to make requests for your own options, and you have to drum up enough support that your requested options outweigh ours.

If you try to use the “we don’t want them to have that” tactic again… it will probably end just as badly… heck maybe even worse.


I think you were using it as a vehicle to take a swipe.

It looks like the usual pot-stirers are gone now. I think it would be good to deescalate.

I don’t see any “snowflakism”. I see people asking for a race that has been an ally of the Alliance since vanilla. If people are still asking for more options now, its because just skin color alone isn’t quite enough to give Void Elves the full High Elf aesthetic. And there’s not a gosh darn thing wrong with asking for those things.

That doesn’t mean those “more things” have to be shared from Blood Elves though. Simply sharing some Human hairstyles and hair colors with Void Elves would easily suffice and also distinguish Void Elves using those options more from Blood Elves.


Alright lol. I don’t even play any Elves. Everything I have is Orc, and will be until the end of this game.

Do I want the unique race appearance of the Blood elf to remain on the Horde? Yes of course. You’re damn right I do, and if what you want collides with what I want, I will disagree with it.

Your personal experience with the exile traitor NPCs on the Alliance side, does not change my opinion on this, as they don’t represent Quel’thalas in anyway shape or form, they have no culture any longer, no future as elves because they abandoned their kin at a very dire time. They’re elves only by name. See you may now call this my own subjective opinion, and that’s fine if you do, because I will go ahead and label your post the same.

You’re framing the conversation in a way that is both favorable to your argument and does not address ours.

I don’t know what that is.

A subfaction of a race that has been a core member of the horde for the majority of the game. Look, I’m not saying it’s wrong to want them, but the request is for the special elves that didn’t join the horde. If it wasn’t a request for snowflake elves then the blood elves would have been good enough. And if you’re going to accuse others of wanting snowflakes, I’ll bring that up.

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Maybe we can drop that word.

I’m just trying to get it through that the stuff he’s accusing others of is the same as what he’s done.

Thing with that is that we already encroached on that when they gave us a carbon copied Blood elf model no one asked for in Void Elves.

And I promise you, no one left the horde because void elves were added, they won’t leave the horde now, the damage you think might happen is not realistic, people aren’t going to jump ship after 13 years of Blood Elves and their connections to the horde because the Alliance now has something similar, that’s nothing but fear mongering.


Your “argument” basically boils down to "we don’t want the Alliance to have Blood Elf aesthetics, nor do we want them to have any variations even remotely close to those aesthetics:.

The result? First was Void Elves. Which did absolutely nothing to abate the call for Alliance High Elves. Your side wasn’t entirely pleased that even the model was shared, but seemed accepting enough both because of the limited color palette, and the fact that pro-helfers were unhappy with them.

But your argument still didn’t change when the calls for Alliance High Elves continued-- “We don’t want them to have that”.

And Blizzard decided to attempt to appease helfers in the easiest and most cost effective way they could. They copy/pasta’d Blood Elf skin colors (and who knows what else they may be planning cause it may go further than skin color).

And now that skin colors are coming, there’s a genuine fear from your side that MORE will be shared. So you’re here… again… with the same “we don’t want them to have that” argument. Maybe the third time will be the charm but I’m not willing to make that bet.


No, that’s not what I’ve done at all.

I’ve asked for a race that’s been on the Alliance since before Horde Blood Elves were a thing, to be playable. That’s it.

The Alliance High Elves aren’t special snowflakes. They are just an NPC race (or subfaction of a race if you prefer) that have remained loyal allies of the Alliance that I’d like to see playable.

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Then it would be fair to say, “your argument just boils down to, you want to steal a Horde race.”


Not really since there have been Alliance High Elves in WoW since before Blood Elves ever joined the Horde. And we see them as an Alliance race. Maybe you don’t but we do.