New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Oh good. We’re back to explaining to me about how they know better than I do what I think.

Representing the alliance, this is like saying that the dwarves, night elves, humans, draenei, etc. went neutral every time we fought a greater threat. They weren’t, they saw a greater threat and fought alongside their enemy, so did those high elves. And this applies to the rest of your post.

individuals no, but a group that’s been constantly assisting the alliance and showcased through several books, yes. I’m not sure why you’re mentioning Ion in this, he’s already shown his view against high elves, and I disagree with it.

Again, because these high elves have assisted the alliance on the front for multiple expansions now, this does not compare to a group of human slaves or the pirates that chose to help the horde during BfA. This isn’t difficult to notice.

Because you’re assuming that something that new customization options for fans of a certain race will harm people. It’s a very minor form of fearmongering that you along with many antis share.

It would be the same as you trying to justify your watermelon-eating bann with dramatic exaggerations.

Oh so you’re okay with void elves having access to light skins and blue eyes then?

I’ve mentioned in every single post that the anti-vaxxing was not appropriate, but that you didn’t see the point in the comparison and decided to be dramatic, are you willing to move past that?

I have never meant you specifically. I was referring more to the “bully victim” ideology expressed when it comes to being ignored or supposedly mass ignored due to one person.

So basically you don’t want people eating watermelon because you think you’re losing your unique and exclusive right to consume watermelon, which you don’t even like by the way.

Oh but there is! You just don’t see it yet. You’ll be losing the exclusive and unique right to watermelon if you don’t express your valid opinion on how preventing others from consuming watermelon will make you happy.

No, because that watermelon didn’t belong to you in the first place.

I mean…the fact that I don’t seek to hinder people from gaining access to an already alliance race shows that I have moral superiority in that aspect. I don’t think you’re some morally backwards goon though, I just believe you’re misguided and it’s unfortunate.
I would think the same way about the guy in the watermelon scenario.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a paragon of virtue. And if this were about something that alters game play, then it would be different and more subjective to me.

Good night


So do you not?

Nico asked you the same exact thing.

How odd it is for you to complain about Void elves getting overshadowed by high elf requests the instant we actually start getting high elf options.

Definitely didn’t raise the issue when people talked about high elf options for void elves.

This was one of the primary arguments brought by many antis. not sure what you are talking about

I’ll respond to this one aspect,. and the response is…no it doesn’t.
if anything it is a reflection of bias, not a sign of moral superiority.
in fact, you have nothing to demonstrate that this is the “right” thing to do. Simply because you would need to demonstrate an absolute moral “wrong” and that does not exist in the space of game design.

if you measure it in terms of money, this is wrong.

The story is going to go where the devs decide the story goes. We may or may not like the destination. For example, I doubt very few people were happy that Sylvanas went all “mustache twirling Bond villain” and basically left the Horde.

You and I both know trying to hide behind “oh the story will be damaged by High Elf customization options for Void Elves” is a BS excuse. Try to claim otherwise all you like but it’s a lie, pure and simple.

Again, I implore you to stop asking for others not to get options they want, and start asking for options you want. I can say with a fair amount of certainty that game devs are more inclined to listen to requests for options than requests to gatekeep options from others.

You’ll make far more headway pushing for lots of Void themed options for Void Elves (to counter calls for HIgh Elf options) than you will by latching onto BS excuses, slippery slope fallacies, and fearmongering, in desperate attempt to preemptively stem the tide.


Tbf according to communist theory literally everything will cause communism because communism is inevitable. :sunglasses:

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Nope. That’s not what we’re doing. I for one am all for improving Void Elves via more customization, as long as it does not encroach on a CORE and unique race in my faction (Horde) that existed for well over a decade now.

So far these changes listed in this very thread, already all but clone the Blood elf race, I and many others are against that decision. Infact I would’ve also been against it even if Void Elves were on the Horde, let alone this being on the opposite faction.

I do really like the Void elves, but they deserve to be expanded on in their own, unique void setting and theme, rather than being turned into a clone of a core race on the opposite faction. Whether you agree or disagree with this is your own decision. We’re going to provide this feedback as much as we feel and see fit, in this very thread made for specifically on it, as we pay for this product too and should have a say on it too.

I honestly agree with this. Sylvanas had been one of my favorite characters since Warcraft 3, and was not pleased to see her written out of the Horde, but it is what it is, and I respect Blizzard’s decision on it. Hopefully they could expand a bit further on her in Shadowlands in ways that explains that decision better, but not holding my breath on the matter.

On the flipside though, Blizzard also decided that the formerly named High Elves, now Blood elves kingdom, fit better in the Horde, this also has to be respected on the same level, both from a lore, and also ingame interpretation of the race, such as unique appearance. Which brings us back to square one, as to why many of us disagree with this quite contradictory gameplay, cosmetic decision.


That’s actually exactly what you’re doing.

And they had 2 years and the perfect opportunity to do this and didn’t.

Not that there isn’t still a chance, because these options do nothing but add the much more popular high elf aesthetic to them, not uproot their story.

Don’t really see a downside to void elves looking like what they were supposed to be from the beginning, it’s unfortunate the high elf aesthetic has been glued to void elves, but then again we wanted that not to happen from the beginning.

You don’t get to say otherwise because you suddenly care about the non existent void elf story after 2 years.

I love this fake attitude that I am getting hurt because others get options!


Nope. That’s not what we’re doing. I for one am all for improving Void Elves via more customization, as long as it does not encroach on a CORE and unique race in my faction (Horde) that existed for well over a decade now.

Sorry but no. My requests are not going to hinge on your desire to remain a unique snowflake, especially not when your “core and unique” race have an Alliance NPC analog that we have been interacting with since vanilla, before playable Horde Blood Elves were ever a thing.

On the flipside though, Blizzard also decided that the formerly named High Elves, now Blood elves kingdom, fit better in the Horde, this also has to be respected on the same level, both from a lore, and also ingame interpretation of the race, such as unique appearance.

And you might have had a leg to stand on here if in TBC, all Alliance High Elf NPC’s were removed/replaced, and we didn’t get expansion after expansion of High Elf NPC’s on the Alliance, working with us, making appearances at major events and generally acting as a foil for the Blood Elves. Playable or not, Alliance players see the High Elves who have stood with us from vanilla till now as part of our faction.

Which brings us back to square one, as to why many of us disagree with this quite contradictory gameplay, cosmetic decision.

And your “disagreement” is why we ended up where we are now.

Instead of an Alliance High Elf allied race that had a unique model, unique hair and other customizations, and every other opportunity pro-helfers bent over backwards coming up with so as not to just copy/paste Blood Elves, we ended up with Void Elves getting Blood Elf skin tones. Congratulations! All that stonewalling, all that arguing, and it led to the worst possible outcome that you were trying to avoid.

So if you wanna try the same thing again, be my guest, but I don’t think it will work out any better for you the second time around. My advice was sound. Ask for the options you want to see. Don’t ask for others not to get options they want. The more support the options you want get, the more likely they will take precedence over the requests of others.


While I’m new to the US forums, I’ve followed the story and lore of the entire Warcraft universe via novels, comics and ingame quests. However I play primarily on the EU servers.
You don’t get to tell me what I personally do care for and/or when. Also, if you’re choosing this way of responding, I don’t see a valid point in proceeding with you on this subject.

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Eh, if it’s good for the goose, good for the gander.

Probably best to just let Nico go on their own. They seem to have found a way to label their tastes as correct and moral and the tastes of others as greedy and bad, and they’re sticking to it. They’re pretty adamant in refusing to try and see the other side’s POV and just put up arbitrary hoops that allow them to dismiss others wants and feelings without thought.


I most definitely don’t.

You also don’t get to tell us that our customization requests are outlandish because you’re afraid that they’ll somehow get in the way of the void elf story that’s “yet to be told” just because you personally want that expanded.

They had their chance, several even, and especially in this expansion with an ending of us “invading and killing” an old god, if Blizzard saw fit to expand on their non-existent story they would of taken the chance to do it now, not only did they not, they’re now adding the much more popular and originally requested high elf aesthetic to them.


I’m not labeling anyone’s tastes.

I’m flat out telling you that your opposition to our request is what led to the current situation we’re in now. And if you want try the same tactic again, I’m pretty confident it will end just as poorly for you.

I am telling you how to possibly prevent us from getting what we want… and you’re covering your ears and slapping my hand away.

Ask for options you want.

Don’t ask for others not to get options they want.

Or else risk a repeat of where we are now.

I don’t know how many ways to say it till it sinks in. The only way you can “win” here is by building more support for the options you want, than we can for the options we want. If all you do is say “no don’t give them that”, you’re going to lose. Again.


So, is “After the absolute atrocity that was BFA, with the horde story completely trashed so we could be used as nameless mooks in the Alliance’s story, we do not want a situation where the thalassian elves on the alliance are seen as morally superior to the ones on the horde. Or to interfere with any potential stories that would provide some satisfaction against the race’s internal villains like the Silver Covenant.” Ok with your rules on how to ask things?

That’s why some posters have convinced themselves they aren’t trolls and are comfortable trying to escalate tensions. In their minds they are extracting some kind of justice. I do find it odd when some of them are accusing us of exactly their own behavior.


Actually the Horde story too. Remember when Sylvanas summoned all the leaders of the Horde to that one base in Kul Tiras? All of the racial leaders were just basic representatives

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This is exactly what I read out of them that say they will get hurt. They might not possibly be a special snowflake anymore.

That was not the sole reason I disagreed with these changes, and customization requests. I already stated other reasons above (as many others have pointed out too). It is a core race of the horde. Quel’thalas joined the Horde, the race is represented ingame in several ways, most noticeably their unique appearance, and encroaching on that representation by cloning it to the enemy faction, is quite detrimental to the Horde playerbase, especially the Blood Elf mains.

This is how feedback and opinions work though, it’s perfectly okay to disagree.

Oh for pity’s sake. The whole High Elf request was a desire to play a special snowflake elf.