New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

So, that is to blame on recent changes?

Come on now we are getting like one blue eye color and like two blueish green ones. That’s like totally worth losing our entire identity. :woman_shrugging:

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all prior races and how there’s a good number of them severely lacking in selection? They’re stuck in a system where every option has to be built into the game, not something where there are actual sliders that allow a huge amount of discrete choices. So yeah, there’s going to be a limit to how many options a race has, and if you have two opposing aesthetics, they’re going to be competing for artist time.

I always make the mistake of believing when I respond to you, that you’ll respond to the context .

being short changed in the future = not receiving timely or quality changes later on

Which he is absolutely correct that Blizzard has a habit of doing.

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You can speculate all you want but that is all it is. You responded to the wrong context.


I mean
there is literal proof?

Vanilla: horde were unfinished. It took 6 years to finish up the vanilla areas to be on par with alliance for them.

Worgen: 9 years to receive new models despite being rushed and finished.
nightborne: 2+ years, no indication of improvement.

Various NPC’s: broken for 14+ years.


not speculation

Well, as I said, worry about that AFTER we see what Void Elves are actually getting. Right now all we know is we’re inheriting skin colors from Blood Elves. We don’t know if we’re getting anything else beyond that. Fearmongering now in the hopes of premptively shutting down future non-void-themed options is not going to work, I can guarantee you that.


You expect everything to be perfect in a game? You are crazy!

Also, your opinions about things that are “not right” or “finished” in game is not the same as others.

So, yes a lot of speculation!

Lastly, let me know how you have been hurt.

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Night Elf to get Nightborne Skin Tones and Night Elf to get Skinny Men form from Nightborne. Want more skinny guys!

I would love the Skinny human model (using the Female UD skeleton) more than the SW model. Though - add both I say.

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Let us stop using terms improperly and stop improperly labeling people’s views on the matter.

Fear mongering = propoganda saying social programs would cause communism

That’s a goal post shift.
You’ve gone from falsely stating its all speculation to say “your standards are too high.”.
FYI, FFXIV is far better polished and that was with a failed launch.

You would be right, If blizzard didn’t admit to it.

Well we know you’ve got nothing on this opinion.
now I know you won’t discuss things honestly so I’ll just move on.

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Just let people let Blizzard know what they want without labeling them as irrational. Better to try and influence it while it’s being made rather than trying to react after it’s already happened.

You aren’t letting Blizzard know what you want. You’re letting Blizzard know what you don’t want others to have and veiling it poorly.


and several new skin colors, new hairstyles, 3 new eyecolors, eyeglow shades, bracelets, necklaces and body jewelry. so far, velfs are not entirely sure what they’re getting other than blue eyes and 3 skin colors. even wowhead doesnt know what to do with velfs.


That is your opinion.

You can call out bugs and such as problems but they are irrelevant to this topic.

I know you won’t discuss things honestly. You still haven’t mentioned how you were hurt.


is still letting Blizzard know what he wants. I don’t understand what is so hard about acting honestly towards people. Sorry, we don’t agree with you. Respect that at least.

Yes, I don’t want them to screw up the story because some people wanted to have a copy of a horde race on the alliance. Other people don’t want their options to be limited because all the time was concentrated on people who keep trash talking what they like.

We have opposing opinions, it’s hard to ask for what either of us want without it by necessity also being about denying the other what they want.

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Like how we’re letting Blizzard know we would like more High Elf options, without you labeling us as greedy?

How like you don’t even remotely care about Void Elf options since it’s never been a big topic of discussion and you’re actively here complaining about us asking about one options instead of campaigning for others.


“Story” is a BS excuse and you know it.

The “story” tells us that Alliance High Elves exist. The “story” tells us that Thalassian elves can become Void Elves without it changing their skin or hair and what not. The game currently implies that Alliance High Elves, as well as defecting Blood Elves are joining the Void Elves. So don’t try to hide behind more fearmongering, because that’s exactly what you’re doing right now. You KNOW it and I know it.

When you start asking for options for races, I’ll stand by you and support you. I’ve said as much to you before. I don’t have to be your enemy. If you make a “More Void Options For Void Elves!” megathread, I’ll be in that thread cheering you on, liking your posts, and asking for those options right along with you.

But that isn’t what you’re doing. When you start asking for options you want rather than trying to preemptively prevent me from getting options I want, then we can be on the same side. But that’s a decision you have to make, not me.


Because he and most antis never cared about Void Elf options being “overshadowed”, until it meant putting a possible stop-gap to our request for High elf options.

It’s all very transparent

high elves were allied with the alliance. thats actually what we wanted. we wanted a different model with different animations, that represented alliance high elves. dont ascribe to the whole of the helf community the sin of wanting sindorei copy and pasted, when in fact, we wanted modified quel’dorei. i think we’re finally getting modified quel’dorei but the idle stances and animations are still identical to sindorei, sadly