New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

It’s a pretty big build, over 1.3GB of data, wow.

Maybe it contains whatever Ion was going to announce? It will probably be disabled, but datamining may find some things (if not encrypted).


It’s the name right like I just can’t not use that name but I also hate too many characters and I do like the idea of a Zandalari Druid. We will see!!

Tbh though you know I’m rooting for younger NE faces so I probably will wait to see if we get some at some point before I make any Druid decision.

We … really haven’t seen any new BE / VE faces? I guess they already have the best face options tbh, though I will say I like the BE faces better than VE and idk if that’s because VE has less which I don’t think so, or if just generally imo they look better on BEs like some them look like real frowny faces with definitive wrinkles and maybe I notice it more on the blue VEs idk all I know is my skin care routine I take preventative wrinkle measures.


Probably just the new zone assets.

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CUstomization for druid forms seem confirmed!

Also, it seems gilnean form is indeed customized apart from worgen form!


Alamara girllllll, we are about to get some good news today!!! :heart_eyes:


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Has something been leaked? :eyes:

I cannot lie. >.>

Probably a good idea.

All the character ideas I have now are mutable so I’m waiting to see what all crops up before I start leveling any of them. They could change in an instant if the right thing pops up.

They do seem to be holding back faces till the end. Humans only got them after a buncha other stuff was added.

New alpha build. I’m downloading it. Wowhead datamining has started, still on early stages.

Edit: Download complete, but servers down. :frowning:

Druid customization forms apparently.

for the moment nop

Druid forms look like placeholders with that naga and skeleton stuff to me. Interesting.

Apparently it doesn’t look like the new Velf stuff is in this build. rip

Let’s wait for the servers to return. At least we know they’ll come eventually.

I’m actually more curious to see night elf stuff.

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Same! I’ve been dying for Nelf customizations!!

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Some new tauren stuff.

Same! I need nelfy stuff!


Void Tauren confirmed. :rofl:


Spiders are Ferocity, which makes for a good tank in open world content due to the Leech that Ferocity pets provide to both you and themselves. They also give you access to Primal Rage, which functions just like Bloodlust, Time Warp, etc.

Spiders come with a slow as their family ability, which isn’t great for tanking, but it’s okay to use a pet for flavour even if it isn’t optimal.


Wow needs to add a spirit beast that uses a spider appearance >_>