New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Do you not have any arguments to present Sara?

It doesn’t.

If eyes turning green doesn’t count… or demon hunters still count… then Void Elves are the same race.


Our Moms Friendly Robot Mechagnome is back :partying_face:

Yeah, I should stop replying to him. It is clear that he is being spiteful because he doesn’t like others to have anything.


Yep. Just keep pushing for High Elves.


Spiteful and negative and for no reason.

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Well, as I said earlier in this thread several times, if Blizzard is going to give us Playable High Elves through the Void Elves, then I am grateful for that. Only option I would request is an option to hide the effect of our Entropic Embrace.

But if this is not going to be for us to have our High Elves, well, then I’m gonna continue requesting for playable High Elves.


I was wrong about that, i apologize. “Addicts” is the correct term! LMAO

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Everyone is addicted to something in the Warcraft universe :rofl:


The fact anyone still does is astonishing to me.

He proved his lore-ignoring Horde bias half a year ago. :man_shrugging:


You’re not wrong, i’m a void addict lmao! and a HIGH ELF addict :wink: <3

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half a year ago. I thought he was always bias.

Most likely, we thankfully didn’t know him at that point.

We unfortunately do now. :sleeping:


Look, not to call more attention to it or call anyone out, but the passive aggressive “subtweeting” responses are sort of counter productive to the idea of disengaging and moving on.

It seems to happen a lot in here and it kind of only serves to add fuel to what these threads become when they’re at their worst.

If you’re going to ignore someone for the purposes of moving on, just do it, no need to give commentary on the fact that it’s happening.

Apologies but I keep seeing it happen and it rubs me the wrong way.


You’re right. Lets just ignore him and move on. Lets push for what we would like, and not get into anymore of these negative debates.

Lets all keep it positive. FOR THE QUEL’DOREI and FOR THE ALLIANCE


I wish I could Like post this twice or more, but I only have this one character on my US account.

I hope one day Blizzard finally merges EU/US forums :frowning:

Tends to happen when ignore literally removes any trace of him from my screen, so I have an excuse :man_shrugging:

I very often don’t know he’s here unless he’s denying someone’s sourced lore

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Someone on the EU forums were saying other Blizzard forums have that. I dunno why we can’t merge the US/EU WoW Forums to talk to each other.


They do. I can post freely on the US Overwatch forums on my main account. Same for Diablo.

Wait really? Why not wow then blizz?

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Why is that?