New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Don’t get me wrong here, I very much like the Dark rangers, and while Sylvanas made some mistakes, I still continue to like her character as I did since Warcraft 3.

My only argument is whether Dark rangers should be under Forsaken, or Blood elf, or maybe even their own thing. I am simply against them being listed as Blood elves because I don’t think that the blood elves as a whole would receive/accept them.

Yeah we do need to see more of the horde races options. I am finally considering making a tauren though.

Unless I race change everything to night elves…

I’m still in love with the Troll tease we saw at Blizzcon. Never considered making a troll until I saw those Sand colored Trolls with warpaint everywhere :heart_eyes:

I also am curious what Orcs will get!

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Nope. You must wear a hood so you’re only a pair of red eyes.
The DK, the supreme Undead, HAS SPOKEN!

I repeat to you most of azeroth does not understand the renegades and nor the dk

and the elves the same when it has been the corrupt power of arthas who destroyed the sunwell

no undeads currently on silvermoon

The Elves very much show that they identify not just as Forsaken but still together / apart. There is no indication BE’s wouldn’t accept them, as the Dark Rangers in Orgrimmar are also allowed to stay for the Horde, why would a member of the Horde not be accepted by another member when has that ever been the case in gameplay or lore in WoWs life? Void Elves you wouldn’t have guess would be on the light loving faction yet there they are.

It is a much desired request among BE fans, and I just feel its mean spirited to gate keep that. We have HE fans out here arguing for VE paladins and the like, let BE fans have a win.


I have a few trolls already! One of my favorite races from the very start.


Dude…its still in the TBC era.
There is nothing to suggest that the blood elves have anything against blood elf DK’s. If anything, we work with them rather frequently. Sylvanas is an undead and is honored by the blood elves as well.


Gods I wish they’d update Quel’thalas.

And the Draenei Isles…

Aside from Lor’themar saying Sylvanas couldn’t raise the fallen elves at the gates of Orgrimmar do we have any indications belfs revile Dark Rangers?


I think there is a case to be made for them joining alliance too via lore. The Shen’drelar joined the Night Elves and they were their peers/colleagues before the destruction of the well of eternity.

More importantly, I think they need another race on horde side that had similar ideals with the Blood Elves as they are pretty out of place as a “magical” race. Hence this is the final result is Tyrande snubbing them (but not the Shen’dralar)

What I want to know is what ever happened to the Moon Guard. Did they join the Night Elves or the Nightborne?

Perhaps if the nightborne went Horde as they do, and the Moon Guard went and joined the Shen’dralar among the night elves?

Or the Moonguard joined the nightborne and horde and then you can give Horde full access to NE models? :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

Ohhh the possibilities!!

I’m very much on the side of Blood elves and Horde here, that’s primarily what I DO want. It’s probably even the main reason I’m posting in this topic. Of course if many want Dark rangers to be added under BE, and if Blizzard decided it fits within the story, then who am I to “gatekeep” anything? Again, I do like fallen Farstrider Dark Rangers, this never changed.


I’ll take either. :stuck_out_tongue:

It does add interesting options.

Though the Night Elves would be out Nightborne skins. Nightborne and Shen’dralar are not the same race anymore.

None, and it makes sense for him to be against it since it would be a reminder of what Arthas had done.
Heck, it was what the Ebon blade loathed Arthas for doing.

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I only really want Male Nightborne frame for my NE druid.

I want to be a skinny druid

The Void Elves haven’t recieved anything yet right? In terms of datamined stuff?

Someone was popping around a Night Elf body option thing a bit ago.

Slim lithe Night elf body, regular and the big burly Druid of the Claw from WCIII. I like that idea. Could use that to give the smaller frame.


If Blizzard announced it, then its a yes.
Everyone is getting jewelry and probably tats

But once Sylvanas becomes Warchief. Lor’themar doubts all his people would side with him against her. I think the duration of her time as Warchief would be the point in time she had the chance to raise any BE she wished, and it would be hard to argue that because of SoO in MOP Lor’themar would be able to stop her? His own people he doubted would side against Sylvanas at different times and it’s clear not all sided with him against her. So that taken into consideration I think it’s safe to say she would have raised any loyal champion she wanted. Especially BEs if anything her own narcissism lends credibility to the argument she shows favoritism to them and Forsaken during her tenure as Warchief.