New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

I would at least like this as far as making it look like Alleria’s void form.
Hers is so much more interesting looking than what is available to players right now.

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Maybe you’re being ignored because you’re being rude?


As long as blizz leaves this alone…there’s going to be the usual helfers making ‘requests’ and asking for more. As long as they keep that up there’s going to be those of us who object to them, making our views known or else there will be helfers claiming our views do not matter or we don’t have enough numbers for blizz to care about us.


Well, it isn’t the fact of being rude to be ignored, I have never been rude to her in the past, and she has ignored me for as long as I have been a pro.

That is why I decided to put “little miss ignorance” there in that post.

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I know, even if they are told 100 times they will not raise 100 times more topics on the matter, but now it is neither a yes nor a no

I do not see him discuss something until blizzard does not present what he is doing and above all what is the intention and especially for the future

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Speaking of good ol’ Reno, I found this interesting little nugget:

Reno’s name is depicted as “Leno” in early Japanese publications, such as Final Fantasy VII Official Establishment File, which include name romanizations. Leno is a Latin word meaning “pimp” or “seducer”.

Oh MY. :blush:

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I would love some highborne customizations, but i don’t have expectations about it. What i really want is Elune marks for my nelves, is weird that nightborne have and nelves don’t.


It would be what I would prefer. It’s hard to believe how set the devs seemed to be about keeping the factions separate and then see them give the Horde’s most popular race and all it’s appearances to the Alliance.

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At least it’s being contained mostly in this topic. :hugs:

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Your views do not matter because they are spiteful and misinformed, yes. And regarding numbers I doubt there are many people going “new customization options for a race that I don’t even play? How dare you do this Blizzard, time to unsub because I can’t stand seeing other people happy!”


This isn’t a healthy attitude to hold.

Couldn’t your opposition just as easily say this about your side?

Everyone has the right to their own opinion.


Careful. Anti’s will come in here with more spitefulness and run around like headless chickens :rofl:

If you have seen there opinion’s, you’ll understand why Dorp said that.


I have. I’ve been pro helf way longer than you.

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Please don’t remind me of my Anti days.


I’ve seen opinions on both side of the debate that are valid.
I’ve also seen opinions on both sides that amount to nothing more than spite for the other side.

Regardless, sinking down to the level of insulting your detractors isn’t healthy behavior.


Think back to those days. Did you find it fair when people attacked you for simply being anti?


We can all be polite to each other! I know we can do it!


That’s the spirit! :grinning:


True, but in the end, that is all it comes down to. Spitefulness.

Well, if you looked back at when I was an Anti, do you think my arguments were logical because of people wanting something and I kept on with “no”?

Without a real valid or logical reason.


Are you saying that in the past you were only an anti due to spite? If so, you might be projecting your former views on others.