New Covenant Mounts Coming in Chains of Domination

I’ll just quote Pebrock for the sake of saving time:



Okay if you want to get technical then cause your anal about wordage, then their remodels, which is pretty much THE SAME THING! They didn’t make a new skeleton, they didn’t change the animation, they literally just repainted the same mount with a new model.


I love it…I dont seem to see what people mean but its cool lol

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No its not the same thing. they showed you a photo how its not the same.


Like they’ve done since the beginning of the game. New skeletons and animations are expensive and take a lot of work to make, so you usually only see a few per expansion. Look around and you’ll notice that most things in the game are a remodel of something.


OMG I swear its like arguing with a brick wall, you just find the most technical things about something just so you can categorize it. Then pretend it’s all cupcakes and rainbows, and daddy blizzard didn’t do wrong cause of some technicality. Where you then just defend them with your dying breath over technicalities.

Gargoyle is one the few actually good creature designs in this entire franchise. Too bad I have to switch to Venthyr from Kyrian. I guess I’ll have to sacrifice my usefulness in PvP for a mount that doesn’t look like absolute dogwater for once.

I have to say, the reuse of skeletons DO bog down creature designs in this game. I do feel that some designs in this game would look MILES better if they got their own skeleton. However, skeleton reuse is far too convenient and less time consuming. I do have to say, for once, a skeleton reuse actually worked fine; the gargoyle mount. It fits. Wish I could say the same about the other covenant mounts.

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everything nightfae just pisses me off. Look at that goofy butt mothersmucker wolf thing. It’s so damn dumb!



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To me at minimum they could of done a animation change for the worms so they don’t look like their randomly having a seizure. Yet blizzard is a multi dollar company that cannot be bothered, and its sad. I’m fine with tints and reskins given that would suggest species differentiation, yet the continuous recent string of remodels is really demoralizing for the game and mounts.

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It seems like you’re very angary? I’m sorry but yes you need to at least know what you’re talking about for people to understand.

I think it be nice to get mounts that aren’t REMODELS. However looking at older xpack the go to was reskins and recolors so i’d say out of those 3 REMODELS are much better then the exact same mount.

Like you’re telling you hate a new mount b/c it moves like a old one? thats a very small thing to be THAT upset at.

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I love it #keephating


With all the “Flight” WQ’s available in Bastion, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to have “wings” as a mount that we can fly with. Kinda the likes of Icarus Wings. Suggestively, they’d be tied to Renown or some kind of special encounter with the Flight WQ’s, Paragon Challenge perhaps? Or perhaps Master all three (3) flight WQ encounters and earn the wings? I dunno, but since both my Fury Warrior and HDH are Kyrian which already having three (3) of the same type of mounts (but different color) from the Renown rewards and able to purchase them through Sanctum Vendor, it still wouldn’t be a bad idea to mix it up a bit. Of course, instead of these “Wing” mounts be tied to Kyrian Covenant only, it’s account wide wings for flight. Think about it Blizzard… :+1:

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I like them all except for Falcor, but I accept the Falcor.

I shall be loyal to my Necrolord alt so that I might have the almighty fly god as my steed.


I;m uspet with the fact that blizzard has the tools and rtesocures, or maybe even had, and can do better than they are. To be frank there is a lot I am frustrated with the titles blizzards has, and their recent efforts. I feel their just becoming money hungry so their putting minimal effort into something I like and have loved to play. Which makes me sad and mad to watch it wither away cause their getting greedy and strangling their own games, so they can start making mobile titles which are the FOTM quick cash games they want to break into.

There are more than 1000 armor sets.
That are less than 1000 mounts.

I like my Corpsefly, thank you.


Nice looking mounts!

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I mean you have no taste as evidenced in your choice of race and faction so I’m not surprised. The only thing worse than Nightelves are Gnomes.

What you don’t like Falkor