New community council has Story/Lore section

Listen I feel like you’re just saying a bunch of stuff that sort of sounds a song of ice and fiery at this point with no backing for any of it.

House of the Dragons is a civil war between Rhaenyra and her brother Aegon II. Dorne still doesn’t join the kingdoms for SEVERAL generations of Targaryen rulers post that.

House Velaryons casting is valid but because it simply is valid.

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wrong, its plays during the book fire and blood, ergo…the dance of Dragon, i was right.

I know when the time period of House of the Dragon is, you apparently don’t know when Dorne joins.

you could be right, tbf, its been a long time since I last discussed song of ice and fire in detail, but…I thought it was the grandson of Rhaenyra Targaryen, Daeron II?

It goes Rhaenyra(or Aegon II depending on your POV of who was rightful ruler) -her son Aegon III- His son Daeron I- his brother Baelor the Blessed - their uncle Viserys - Aegon IV- Daeron II (this is when Dorne joins with Daeron II)

Its several generations later and Dorne marries into House Targaryen not Velaryon, but my point is that it doesn’t matter diverse casting is valid and is to be applauded.

Did you actually watch the video? Because it doesn’t seem to be arguing the same thing that you are.

he had a few vids about this, i would reccomend all of them, he discussed quite a few times about this entire topic, and in my pov, he´s right…it is lazy…really lazy, because instead to create really NEW cool stuff, be creative…they change only skin color and think that is representativ…(no, its not)

a black superman remains superman, the only difference is his color, but character-wise he is still the same character, only his appearance has changed, is that representative? Is that really the only thing that should make the culture, a skin color? and superman is in my eyes not important WHICH color he have as a character…because its exist a multiverse of possibilitys in the setting of DC and Marvel, in some he can be black, white, asian.

“The token person of color may seem to not have a purpose in the story, but who says they need to have a purpose, or any more purpose than any other person that would be in this role. Why can’t they be another person in this fictional world, I feel we don’t demand this level of complexity in backstory of white male characters”


But the real issue is whether whiteness an important aspect of Superman and his story?


No, but for example the dwarves are based on Norse mythology, and Superman is…the superhero who can solve anything, a superhuman, he has no real cultural roots, at least none that I know of.

He’s not based on any culture or tradition.

if you want to be respected for your own culture, should you not bring the same respect to works of others based on culture? You can´t demand in one hand respekt for your culture and heritage, but do not respect other works based on other cultures.

Thats the reason in my eyes the last samurai should be a…japan actor, it would be very harmfull if the black panther would be whitewashed for representation, it would be bad if you do tokenism in every work…because the writer of this works builded their own world (in cases of books build their own world, you are allowed to play on the worldbuilding they created…but in the end…its their work, and we should respect that, because its their creative genius that created such world)



What impact to the story does the skin color of a dwarf have? Why’s this a hill to die on?

What actually changes to the meat of the story are caused by the casted actors not looking like you want them to? Maybe these actors were the best fit, like having the right poise, or a voice that delivers their lines with a power that improves them. Sure, maybe it’ll fall flat, but seems awful premature to just declare it as hollow pandering with just a trailer and some stills.


We both know this was not about qualification. The argument is usually made by the wise when arguing against quotas, here it is used to force one’s own view that it is a good thing to ignore the work of authors, that it is good to twist their world as one pleases, all licenses, ALL that Tolkien has officially granted, have a premise in their contracts that one MUST be respectfull to the work, to things that already exist and are written down and they are not allowed to be changed, that is a condition Tolkien himself set as a condition.

i think it was important for him, that his work was viewed as it was supposed to be.

He saw the middleearth saga as …a european magical myth, like a time before the human could remember, as elves, dwarfs, gods, and all this things existed, this was his goal, this was his own “Point of view”

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No, you are asserting that without evidence.

Have you considered that maybe this hill you’ve staked out doesn’t really matter to what the work is supposed to be?

I mean, are you ok with the Peter Jackson ones that drastically changed characters like Arwen because OMG Peter Jackson hearts pretty elf, or Faromir who got totally butchered in his characterization (which actually DID change the story) ?

And you’re arguing non white people existing, and diverse casting being utilized is disrespectful to that work?

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Who says I agree with it?

This is your assumption


That was a question about whether you were as upset about that version as this set of new stories.

no, because they are existing, in terms of Haradrims, in terms of Easterlings, we even know, two wizzard were send to support the non loyal harrads, the non loyal easterlings against the influence of Sauron and to lead them into rebellion against him.

tolkien wanted to tell their story…but he couldn´t finish his work because he died before…

again, i´m not against POC, i´m for POC, but i´m against tokenism, if we have an entire setting, that support the existence of them, but…in an different place (and btw, many rings were send to the east…only a few were send to the west)

so, we would have a opportunity to see tolkiens unfinished work.

i would have prefered if we see the bookversion, it was not all bad, but overall…i was a little bit disapointed to not see glorfindel. (one of my favs)


This is what I don’t get.

Jackson completely butchered some characters, turning Faramir from the hope of man, a character that showed as the old powers of elves and Númenóreans were disappearing from the world, that there were still those who could stand up and have the wisdom and courage to do what is right, and turned him into a less bad version of his brother. That is drastically changing the story for the worse.

This new series we don’t know what goes on, but you’re just writing it off as bad because of reasons outside of the story.


i disliked faramir´s movieversion, if you want to know my opinion.

Just for myself, I feel like casting isn’t too big of an issue as long as they don’t mess with the story. It bugs me more when they mess that way with the motivations and other plot relevant stuff. I feel like there’s space for casting freedom in middle earth as it’s not explicitly spelled out, and those issues don’t seem to be as important in the world.

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