Really liking what I see from the mage one, shame it’s in December though.
Then sucks to be you.
Barber Shop no longer charges gold for changes since Shadowlands pre-patch; it’s completely free!
Can the druid ones handers be mogged over 2 handers like the artifact weapond or are they gonna end up resto/boomy only.
Been really hoping for another way to dual wield fists as bear and this could be it.
Many of these sets look amazing (though others do not, looking at you Hunters and Rogues) but it’s all rather meaningless because the sets are incomplete and matching them will be largely impossible. So alas, as much as I would have liked to say something like “transmog fans rejoice” I can’t in all conscience do that.
Take the mage set for example. That blue and gold would have been a dream come true for my Void High Elf mage but there is nothing to match it with, either color or texture wise. It would have matched perfectly with the Blood Elf heritage armor except, you know, it’s red and this one is blue. For the love of god, just let us dye armor already or the at very least introduce a color matching feature!
It doesn’t really all you ever do here is be aggressive in replies and troll ppl
I’ll take the weapons and pass on the armor bits.
In-game currency is still a paywall. Stop it. Such a silly idea is just more encouragement for them to roll out store currency for trading post.
warlock looks better the more I look at it. Dk set would be cool if it glows like the mop cm.
I was saying as in it’s literally the same as that Ingame currency was .
Oh you people will cry about anything . I think they should add customizations to the post . They should only cost 100 tenders .
You are just a troll I’m not engaging with you
Welp… I konw when go hard… I did it for diablo and I do it here!
Here’s a crazy idea. How about they just give them to us for free like they’ve been doing?
There is nothing wrong with special customizations added to the post . It’s not like they would be restricted to certain races only . Once you buy per 100 token it would be unlocked for your whole account.
Yeah. I wouldn’t be opposed to this, provided they justified the cost.
If you’re struggling to imagine any pieces that can match these sets, that’s not Blizzard at fault. There’s almost 20 years of armor to combine these with. Get creative or grind harder for those mog drops.
500 Tendies for two weapon mogs for DH when other classes get 3 or 4? It wouldn’t hurt to create parity by adding a color variation. Like say purple so it matches the armor set.
The glaives at least look cool, so there’s that.
cries in hunter
Yeah idk why they didn’t make the dh weapons purple lol
does this mean our next 4 ishmonths will be these sets?