New Class for Midnight

A quite likely scenario is that the Tinker/Tech class is Goblin/Gnome centric, with one of the hero talent trees being dedicated to Draenei technology. The other two hero talent trees being dedicated to Alchemy/Chemical warfare, and Mechs.

Feel like they may overhaul a lot of the classes. May bring in new barber cosmetics to fit the new themes would be my guess…We are honestly a bit flooded with races/classes. They may just end up making some races become those classes that are restricted.

“light bringer undead, Void touched blood elves” kind of thing.

personally i think all classes should get a 4th spec just like druid’s have.

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We already have those, they’re called Void Elves and everyone but those who play them Hate them.

Honestly, I’m starting to not want Tinker to become a reality. Mainly because I have this ideal in my head and I doubt Blizzard can make it a reality. Like I really want Mecha armor suits but I don’t know.

i am talking cosmetically. Like where you can change your faces for scars on Night elves. you would have marks of void on Blood elves. ETC.

Undead having eyes that glow instead of sockets. ETC.

This. I would prefer existing classes get new stuff and new options, more hero classes, more specs for classes it makes sense for (and maybe even some it doesn’t). Evasion tank rogues, Shamans that tank by armoring themselves in earth, and time-magic healing specs for Mages are more exciting for me than yet another brand new class. Heck, give Warriors a range-based “augmentation” spec or something totally off the wall before making a new class.

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I think adding an additional spec, ditching hero talents, and doing a mild overhaul to the problem-laden existing trees would be a better move than adding another new class, given how the last two classes have been implemented - one having only two specs, and the other only getting its very controversial third spec in a post-launch update.

That said, if they must do another new class I hope it’s at least another versatile class. Make one like Paladin or Druid again with every role in its toolbox.

There’s still space in the roles for new additions. With the death of fistweaver, we still lack a fighting healer, we still don’t have a dps akin to final fantasy’s red mage where it splits its time between melee and ranged (granted the ranged portion of that job is like 70% of the time, and I’d want something more like 50/50), and a very hyper active deflection type of tank might be neat, but frankly that’s the space I am the least confident about when it comes to what type of playstyle it is missing.

Who knows what we will or won’t get, I’m not 100% convinced they’ll add a new class, especially with housing being such a big feature it has its own team and was announced probably a year and then some before release.

I do agree with other replies though - wow having its spec system is a strong argument that there are enough playstyles represented in the game now. There are just audiovisual themes we don’t have - like a void paladin or elemental warrior, and so forth. If I could force them to do anything it’d be adding class audiovisual options like these.

We’re missing a technology-based class. That’s a big glaring hole in the class lineup that needs to be filled.

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What do you mean? I hear people talking about mechanics all the time. That’s basically a tinker class, right?

“Stop ignoring the mechanics” they keep telling me. Even when there isnt one in our party.

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When are we returning to Ulduar? Tinkers would fit that theme, especially if Mimiron is heavily involved.

Yeah, most of us asking for Tinkers want a tech class. Tinkers just happen to be what they’re called in WoW.

Those sound like Hero talent trees for a new Bard class maybe?* :wink:

* wishful thinking

This article dropped on Wowhead a week ago and it stated the following:

Class Differences between Current WoW and Classic

The class system has undergone many revisions following original Vanilla WoW. Here are some of the top changes:

  • There are 9 classes, down from 14.
    • Death Knights, Monks, Demon Hunters, Evokers, and Preservers are not available in Classic WoW.

Anyone know what a Preserver is? :thinking:

Adding 13 new specs to the game would just be insane. That’s the same work as 4 classes. They’d have to either add 5 new hero talents per class so each spec had 3, or make 1 per class and shuffle around the existing ones to keep it at 2 per spec.

There’s also not that much to gain from it. People who want to play those classes are likely already playing them. There’s not going to be a rush of new players to rogue if you give them a stealth archer spec or something.

A new class is significantly less work and has the draw of being something new thematically. As long as they avoid doing another Evoker.

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The Venthry were the best part of shadowlands, plus you have the san lain or whatever they are called in ice crown and other places already

Yea and not to mention its a pretty brutal job working for Blizzard I would imagine. You just deal with thousands of people complaining about the game and insulting it everyday sometimes.

Its like…if they add in a new class then they run the risk of so many people in the community raging at Blizzard saying how they did a terrible job and made it too OP or not Op enough. Warden would be cool but tbh…it is basically like a rogue that cant stealth.

Necrolytes the way they were from WC1 back in the 90s. Coming in as a hero class. I would main that forever. Always wanted to play as one. NOT necromancer, necrolyte. Google their spells. They are super cool.

The “best part of shadowlands” isn’t the achievement you think it is.
When comparing horse crap to dog crap, it’s all still crap at the end of the day.

I’d bet more on Mech/Turret/Energy Weapons, or everything is turret-based with one of the options being Support.

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