New class announced at blizz con?

I want the tinker

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I hope so too. :musical_note: :guitar: :musical_note:

exactly this.

I don’t have faith in Blizzard anymore when it comes to designing a fun class, most classes are way overpruned and lack the mechanics they were known for (stances/presences/totems etc.).

DH, the last heroclass is something that my granny could play with 3 fingers and so are most other classes.

I don’t think Blizzard’s focusing on how a class could be fun but rather on how a class can fit into their competitive environment (Mythic/Arena) without them having to work on balancing for some time.

Classes weren’t balanced at all and Blizzard used to give less of a fk up until pretty much Legion, but people had fun for the most part.

We probably will see a new class announced with this B-con and I know it’s ridiculous and probably won’t happen but I’d be really happy and willing to put way more time into the game if Blizzard puts creating a exciting class/combat experience at #1 spot again, instead of trying to perfectly balance everything because in my opinion, especially when looking at WoW then balance ≠ fun.

At Blizz-con I can almost guarentee they will have another set of Allied races maybe even playable on the floor and the next expansion to announce. Which given the track record should include a new class or maybe even two new classes. I mean why not? Other games can do it and have done it.

I mean overhaul the ones that are actually broken and don’t work. Like how affliction locks can only raid, or sub rogues being non viable in anything.

Some specs need an overhaul because they just don’t function well, or only function in 1 aspect of the game

I think this Blizzcon won’t even announce the next Wow expansion, instead maybe stuff in the current game.

Yes as a Tinkerer Healer I would like to shoot my team mates to heal them with healing darts.


Everybody talks about Bards or Tinkers. But what about a psychic-themed class? Like D&D Psions?

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Welcome to the new NightElf/Nightborne only hero class: SHADOW BOXER

Based on Sira Moonwarden’s “Nightwarrior” abilities, The Shadow Boxer combines the playstyle of Survival Hunters and Shadow Priests into a melee void-class that strikes terror into their opponents.

Tank version has a ‘shapeshift into voidwalker’ defensive cooldown.

I agree with the trend, but this may be the time to break it. Lots of work went into making a bunch of new races. Call them reskins or whatever, but dont forget new mounts, animations, quests, achievements. Time to make leveling them more worth it.

The game is due for a overhaul. Fix leveling, class design, adding stuff to old world, better portal system ( stop funneling us through SW/org ), professions, a new one and fix the existing. Bring back pvp servers or make war mode more balanced, the wierd sharding cross realm thing is messed up. And pathfinder is just stupid. Not the achievement it self, just the flight lock.

But if they wont do any of that then fine, a new class will work i guess. Something that uses mail armor, and is ranged. This tinker idea sounds okay. Maybe some type of battle mage, thats ranged, tank, and melee.


Bards? Not unless their instrument is targetable. In any DnD game I was part of either DM or player, the bards instrument was mangled making them useless

:slight_smile: plus ten characters.

they need to fix the classes that already exist before adding more

I knew you were going to say that.

I’m hoping for a ranged class. Tinker or Bard would not be my choices, I’d rather see another magic based class. Or, new specs for existing classes would be cool as well. I had an idea a while back of just running with the Glad spec idea and having all tank specs having a talent that turns them into DPS.

I would like another class that transforms. I don’t have a name or any details, but ranged and changes forms would be fun
 like a druid, but obviously, not a druid. We have that already! :smiley:

I imagine that tinker would be a melee/ranged hybrid class. Probably also with a tank option.

I don’t think that we need a new class atm though. The current ones we have are already meh, and they need to work on them first.

they wont fix anything blizzard has created a bad meta with m+ and class balance that they wont change or fix.

You can bet your boots that classes will change going into 9.0.

Will they be balanced? Probably not.

They will change though, because they always change going into every new expansion.

Even when they’re already awesome. Rip MoP class design

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Oh, they will. Soon enough all the classes that are preferred will be nerfed, and other classes will be top dog. This is done on purpose for years. If they left a few dominant classes or made them all equal, then many would never level up a new class. It is the original time metric.