New book coming out about Sylvanas

Is the lord aware of this? :rofl:

LMAO oh man…

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Can’t wait for a Book to try and paint genocide as a good thing for 300 pages straight.


No, it,s not enough, Karen. We can never have too much Sylvanas. I demand even more Sylvanas. I bought a Sylvanas sculpture so the dark lady can protect me from my sleep paralysis demon. I demand goldshire builds a giant Sylvanas statue over the tavern with giant cannons coming out of her elbows and knee caps to rain down fire and hell on the trees below. Like true forsaken should.

/corpse eats Jatarri

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I don’t hear it but to each their own. :grin:

Wait woah WHAT is this happening?

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Hey guys I hate Sylvanas so much I’m going to make the 25th thread about her in the last two hours to make the same point over and over and over and over and over.

Mmhm. It’s glorious.

The new book Sylvanas. Patty Mattson will be narrating the audio book.

Excerpt from my preorder of the book:

Sylvanas let out a sigh, reclining languidly on her throne of night elf bodies, who clearly all had it coming: especially the children “Nobody understands that were actually super secretly the heroes all along.”

“I know,” Nathanos replied, idly fingering his unique beard no other forsaken can ever grow “I think that they will all be delighted and surprised when we tell them that murdering so very many of them was for the greater good. But what I’m most concerned about is why I have to pretend to be such a terrible sociopathic narcisist instead of the genial well intentioned father figure I clearly am and wish to be to these amazing adventurers.”

Sylvanas shook her head, causing her bossom to somehow visibly wobble through what is clearly a metal breastplate because fan service trumps physics and replied “Yeah, that burden is ours to carry, I don’t think they would ever believe us if we told them that 98% of the Night Elf race were secretly furries, terrorists, and demon-worshipping cabalists who ate babies”


why you gotta be like that :slightly_frowning_face:

What do you mean 2 1/2? We all know the next expansion will be Sylvanas centric too. Blizzard can’t let their waifu die.

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Enraged fans? The only time she’s brought up is when people complain that they’ll quit if she isn’t killed.

Seems like the zealots are on the other side of that argument. :man_shrugging:

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I saw the book and my first thought was “So they’re gonna kill her then.”

Could totally be wrong, but hope I’m not.

She’s still ‘alive.’

Killing her would just send her soul to the Jailer.

If Sylvanas doesn’t die I’ll quit the game forever!! Gosh I hate her so much. Why are her fans so enraged??? It makes me so angry!



What the hell was his story and motives in WotLK!?

I knew this wasn’t CG, not because it’s absurd, but because you’re a better writer than she is.

Patty voicing the novel is fantastic! But the material she’ll be reading will, at best, be dull.

I have enjoyed Christie Golden’s writing, but this is one book I’m not gonna get.

Not really? Like most of the books were more for setting up the story as oppose to having major conclusions. A good chunk of the books are about actually giving various characters a personality(a personally that cannot develop ingame because most characters just end up our cheer squad in game).

I am sure it is sultanas’ backstory and it will probably tell us why she did what she did. That will set up the conclusion of Shadowlands.

Don’t worry, I doubt it will kill the Jailer.