Do you have a link that new BGs will not happen? Or is this more doomer projection?
Forums are full of insiders.
Do you have a link that new BGs will not happen? Or is this more doomer projection?
Forums are full of insiders.
There’s not going to be a new BG for SoD. But only one of us is intelligent enough to know that without a Blue Post™, it would seem.
SOURCE: having an IQ higher than the average temperature of a January weekend in Phoenix
Pulls abilities and mechanics from ‘future’ versions of wow.
Too bad there arent more then 3 BGs ever made that could be reused also.
Azshara Crater. :X
There is a small segment of classic fans who mistakenly believe that world PvP is popular.
And the Devs are unfortunately part of this group.
SOD has 2 known phases left, its not over yet champ
A new BG would be cool, step 1 they should Ctrl+ C and then Ctrl + V Heroes of the storm over Azshara, step 2 ??? and then step 3 profit.