New Ascendance Model Is At Least A Sidegrade if Not An Upgrade

It’s High rez and they said there were other changes coming in. Looks pretty dope with the colors and hair, if a bit unconventional.

I like it tbh I’m honestly surprised with the amount of hate that it’s gotten like shocked as an ele main for years I’ve never cared for ascendance since it’s inception but I really dig these models


It’s hideous. The only upgrade part of it is higher resolution, but high res doodoo is still…doodoo


naw you are trolling the form is so cool

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Its not an upgrade it still does the one thing people didnt like about the original being out of place and not feeling very shamany.

With all the cool elemental stuff in df this is what we got. We have never seen this thing anywhere except as ghouls makes no sense. They did it on purpose tho cause im sure they hated all the shaman feedback


I just want the old glyph for it back. I don’t want to turn into an ugly monstrosity.

I still don’t understand why we even have Ascendance form since it’s just straight up Dark Shamanism. It’s supposed to be a bad thing.


The new form is disgusting. I would rather it turn me into a pile of dirt, even a pile of dirt would fit Shaman class fantasy better.


There are places it could be improved, but I certainly don’t hate it. I just hope that, like the moonkin form, we gets some options to customize the appearance and hint to the race underneath the transformation. Stuff like tusks for trolls and orcs, horns for tauren, tendrils for draenei, and elongated claws for niffen (it’s going to happen, just you wait).

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if there was a glyph to keep it in it’s current form, over this newly introduced interation I would be happy to use it.

Taking a mid(at best) model and giving 3 color variants is a very 2006-ish thing to do.

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I always imagined ascendance form as a half-way point between the physical world and the spirit/elemental world. Instead of turning into an ascendant, we temporarily borrow some of their powers and modify our physical form, but still remain a Dwarf/Orc or whatever race in appearance.

Modify it sure, but keep it so I look like a dwarf, but one that’s channelling power from another “world”. So I might get slightly larger, get a glow depending on spec or glyph, and get an animation that is subtle but defined. Drenched in flame, surrounded by a tornado, lightning bolts connecting you to the ground while slightly hovering (think thor when hes coming to fight thanos in wakanda), and running around in your own personal tsunami or you become a spirit like your ancestor model, but more defined.

Let enhancement and elemental choose between the fire/wind/lighting visuals with a glyph, and then resto between the tsunami and the ancestor form. Also add a glyph that removes the animation completely and maybe just modifys your size and colour slightly.

I think thats a far better option than any of the current ones.


It’s Syndrome from The Incredibles.