These new animations for the arms warrior are atrocious. Please don’t put them in the game and let the old animations in retail like they are. Or just give us glyphs to keep the old animations or to remove the “ghost weapons” with the “impact effect” on the ground. Or we could also get glyphs to get these new animations for the ones who want them.
These new animations are really underwhelming.
Warrior has never been about being flashy, the best Arms warrior animations have been good because of two major factors:
- Weight, abilities feel like they’re hitting hard and are heavy.
- Sound design, a HUGE factor that was lost with this new Warbreaker.
Regarding Warbreaker
Warbreaker used to feel impactful because of the jump and slam down, especially with the crushing sound of the earth beneath the character.
Warrior doesn’t need to have ethereal/phantom weapons to deliver. Please, retain the original design and improve on its strengths instead. Replacing the unique jump and slam with a whirlwind animation is wasteful and the sound design for the new format makes it feel nowhere as heavy and satisfying.
Also, I understand that you might be trying to make it clearer which enemies got hit by Warbreaker by having the “armor break” on top of all of their heads but honestly, we never really needed that in particular to know what we hit everything with Warbreaker. It’s centered on our character, it was visually easy and comfortable to know you did hit everything.
We’re talking about the major spec-defining ability for Arms here. It has to be impactful, it deserves to be unique instead of replicating the animation from Colossus Smash.
Regarding Colossus Smash
The armor break is alright, the phantom weapons are just not necessary - it makes the skill look as if it can hit more than one target (and I’m assuming it would get replicated with Sweeping Strikes). Basically, the first 3 seconds of the animation are good. Sound design wasn’t downgraded here either.
guys please lets lock it in - as a lifelong warrior player i just wont play if this is the new animation
Honestly, I have no idea what I witnessed…
Are they more so place holders for now? Because this cannot be the best Blizzard can come up with.
New animations = big bad
Old animations = big gud but old
Make new animations like old animations but new.
I’ve mentioned in other places, but it feels appropriate to mention it here as well. While the animation its self isn’t being well recived, there’s one part I think needs higlighting and does something positive for the spec fantasy of arms. Using different weapons.
“A battle-hardened master of weapons” should be good at using various weapons, it even shows in our ability icons. Mortal Strike and Cleave feature an axe. Overpower has a sword. Slam uses a mace. These diffrent weapons are completely missing when it comes to our actual animations.
If we can find a way, not necessarily with CS or WB, to incorporate these various weapons with a non-magical kind of animation, that would do a ton for the class fantasy.
I don’t want the devs to give up on attempts to incorporate this class fantasy into the spec, just because the first attempt isn’t well received.
Mobile game ahhh animation. I HATE it.
The warrior effects kit should utilize heavy impact and flashy weapon slash effects to emphasize the power of their swings. This new animation looks more like something a more magically inclined class would use, but not a warrior.
I scrounged together an example of what I feel a new Colossus Smash/Warbreaker animation revamp should potentially look like.
how did you do this?
I used an addon called SceneMachine. I had to record the footage and export it to a video editing program to add in the sound.
Great addon, but its still under the early stages development.
Wow, for real? Those are awesome!
God damn, now THAT is a chunky animation! That’s how it should be!
Yep. That one is way better. The current new animations suck. I really don’t want to be ungrateful but they’re just so underwhelming. You can’t FEEL that power going into the hit.
Skip to 2:24 - That underhanded swing? THAT is raw, reckless power. Intimidating as hell.
I appreciate that these animations make it more clear the area of effect…
…but I hate it
Just watched your animations again, and damn I really do love them. I saw a reddit thread the other day about the new ones on the ptr. Maybe you could share your animations there as well. Or start a new thread on r/wow. I’m not saying blizz should use your exact ones (although they could) but they’re definitely more the style I think most players want.
I think I found it and posted my spiel in there. Ive been posting this kind of feedback for years, and its hard to tell if Blizzard has ever taken my feedback into account.
There needs to be a glyph or something for these animations, would love to see more things like the new animation, but don’t take away the old ones, especially when the old ones (in my opinion) look much more appealing to the warrior class fantasy of a big stick swinging man who in a world of magic choses to just smack things with a pointy stick.
As someone who enjoys Arms, both of these are awful.
Not only they look bad, they dont work for a Warrior, this would work far better on Paladin or DK, summoning magical weapons i mean.
Pls revisit these, you did great with Dark Ranger, i know you can with Arms, someone even posted some fan made animations in this thread that look significantly better
Ray Charles could design better animations than this, what a disappointment. This should have been left on the fridge with the macaroni art while telling the intern who made it “great job buddy! I’m so proud of you, one day you’re going to be a great artist.” Unfortunately that day is not today. Please try again.
Warbreaker should just build on what it already is and sunder the ground around the player. Make some massive spikes of earth come up.
And please get rid of the whirlwind animation. It’s the worst attack animation in warriors entire kit.
Plus the sound is just… not impactful. But that kind of goes for most of warriors abilities… just sound like air swooshing more than anything.