New Anduin Cinematic

yes, and no. Because she full out did become him. The War of Thorns was her rendition of the Scourge march on the Sunwell, down to making her own perverse copy of herself in Delaryn Summermoon with just as much spite as Arthas had for her when he made her into a banshee.


What I’m saying is that a Horde figure needs to be there opposite Varian because this is not a game for Alliance players alone. And Saurfang is the logical choice.

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It’s her admitting what she did was just as bad as what Arthas did and nothing more. Arthas did set her on this path, but she made every choice along the way and she’s owning up to it.

The only person trying to blame Arthas for anything are posters trying to turn everything into “they’re trying to excuse Sylvanas!” when absolutely every character except Uther has called out what she’s done. Think about how messed up it is to have a victim admit that they’re just as bad as the person that abused them.

Which is a whole 'nother can of worms I try not to think too hard about.


There is no doubt she has been called out for what she has done, she just hasn’t faced punishment for it… which is the part a lot are upset about.

She isn’t locked up in a jail cell, etc… She’s roaming around free on her own accord. As far as “the hero” is concerned, she could be leading them into yet another trap…



We know it’s coming via datamining.

Well, we all know what’s coming… =/

Just doesn’t feel like the punishment matches the crime…


Sylv is clearly intended to be portrayed as facing the reality of her past. But all the vague forward steps and backpedaling on “she is the same person, but isn’t, but she acted without the good part of her soul, but that was just a fragment that wouldn’t change her actions, but the Jailer misled her, but she had full agency…” has made it impossible to stick a landing. She is painfully the result of attempting to appease different perspectives that won’t be happy without a result of one of two extremes.

Anduin defeats Domination magic because he is the Shonen Protagonis–err, because of positive thinking and the loving memory of several Daddies. Joking aside, I don’t even mind that in and of itself—that fits with how WoW has typically been written. I just think continuing to write the game around NPCs as the protags is a terrible model for this genre.


You don’t know that because the cinematic doesn’t go beyond that moment. We have absolutely no idea at this point what happens beyond that moment. Story’s not over yet.

We do know one thing… that a bunch of misogynist Arthas fanboys is going to start crying a river as their preeminent fantasy of Arthas getting redeemed at Sylvannas’s expense has just sailed off the dock.

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She will be willingly jumping into the maw to finder her psycho boyfriend.

Given this fact. What punishment will she be facing?
Or is this punishment?


Of course not, but the fact that she’s in that cinematic with armor and bow means that we trust her enough to allow her to have these things??

We haven’t stripped her of her jailer power, have we? Not on screen at least.

I get situations are dire, but this is just poor story telling, imo. =/

“Sylvanas “might” have ties to Anduin to say him, since she held the blade…”

Here’s a crazy idea, lets ask the creator of Domination Magic IF THATS HOW THAT WORKS???


You know, there was something about this cinematic that just blew chunks, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. You just pointed it out for me.

They cluttered the place up with Sylvanas, Uther, and Jaina when we could’ve had Bolvar and Genn there instead. They could speak to Anduin in the real world while Saurfang and Varian spoke in the Vision one.


Only until the next writer waltzes in a retcons Danuser’s stuff.

Just wait, Zooval will be revealed to be a pawn of someone else. And that wasn’t Arthas, that was just some Night Elf Wisp.


And why should that be a factor? Who cares if the horde isn’t involved in an alliance characters arc.

It can work as punishment. We don’t know where Zovaal hid Nathanos. That is assuming that he didn’t destroy his soul for failing in the first place. Plus torghast changes constantly. At least the lower levels. The SoD remains the same no matter what. That can be torture for someone. Spending the rest of their existence searching for something important to them and never finding it. Even when they know somewhat that they are where it should be.

My biggest issue is, all that these cinematics are doing is laying the ground work for what will be a very unsatisfying conclusion to the Sylvanas storyline.

While doing so, it completely undermines the whole reason why the Primus and Maldraxxus exists.

The Primus, creator of Domination magic, Supreme defender of the Shadowlands, should know how Domination Magic works.

He should not go on a hunch that maybe Sylvanas being there might help break him of domination.

That is bad story telling.

Furthermore, this cinematic has almost proved that Sylvanas has had no need to be here. She did not help save Anduin as he did that with the help of his father, etc.

She should be rotting in a prison cell within Maldraxxus under heavy guard, stripped of all power or arsonal, until the threat of Zovaal can be handled.

I don’t know, I am not a huge Night Elf sympathizer, I just hate how poorly this story is being told. Gives absolutely no hope for the future.


I’m so god damn angry with this.

The subtext here is Blizzard telling us to forget about Arthas forever.



eh, good riddance to Arthas.


The Adventures of Anduin: A Man Who Cannot Stop Finding Parental Figures, Occasionally Up To And Including The Player.


He just needs a Daddy.

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Unless its Tyrande kicking her down that hole or the Arbiter passing a sentence of his own then its not a punishment. The aggrieved has to be the one dispensing justice or an impartial judge.

What kind of a character does their own crime and then imposes their own punishment? Especially when the punishment is not something that undoes their mistake like vader but a selfish goal of reuniting with an unironic war criminal?


Because he was every bit a tool like Sylvanas was. If she gets her redemption, he deserved some measure of it too. But no, it was all “Arthas bad; go away and be forgotten forever”. The very same people cheering yas qween for Sylvanas will believe this is anything attempting justice for his character. Tyrande is expected to forgive and renew with Sylvanas, but Sylvanas only has to acknowledge she has a burden to bear. If this fate happened to Sylvanas, people would be complaining that it’s a horrible thing to do to a “fan favorite” character.

This really is Blizzard spitting on that character, pissing on that story, and telling you to forget about that story forever. It was never about Arthas, he was just a footnote in Sylvanas’s story. It’s actually just transparently “we’re writing over all of the old lore with our trash nu-lore”.