New Anduin Cinematic

Point being, she has never been relevant. So including her in the cinematic would be completely pointless

No… she’s part of the WOW background… she died in the RTS.

She is mentioned in BFA as one of the name choices you can take for Anduins boat that the Kul Tirans build for him.

Saying she doesn’t exist because she has yet to make a physical appearance in any game is stupid. There have been a few characters that were introduced in the universe that are canonical and yet to appear in game. Doesn’t make them non-canon.


How shocked were you when we met Katherine Proudmoore?


You’re putting words that I never said. I didn’t say that she was snon canon, What I said was that she died before day one of the MMORG so it’s kind of silly to have her suddenly make a drop in like Calia Menethil. We’ve already had one of THOSE.

Saurfang is important because of his connection to Anduin, Varian, and Shalaymane.

And of course the Horde needs to have it’s hand directly in this moment in fairness to the Horde playerbase.

It should have been Arthas and Varian.

Anduin: … I see only darkness before me…

Varian: My son, this Blade does not belong to darkness…
Varian: it was forged… by valor…

Arthas: … and also by honor…
Arthas: you and its legacy do not end here…

Both: the Light is with you, even here.


That felt like a meta conversation to the playerbase: shut up about Arthas, already!

As usual, looks great in isolation, but the story connected to it has poisoned the well for me. I will say I’m glad they didn’t try to do anything substantial with Arthas. That would have inevitably ended horribly, I’m sure.


So your saying that it would be silly to have Anduins own mother, who’s views Anduin mostly carries on compared to his father… to show up and help her son in his darkest hour? O.o


I was expecting Jaina or Uther to have the final say. You know, his former lover or mentor, but they barely gave a damn.

I won’t even bother to explain how sickening is the fact that Sylvanas reprimanded Arthas uninterrupted, as all that remained of him was about to fade. Extremely disgusting and disrespectful.

So, now that Sylvanas got her redemption and justice, what’s next? Perhaps a new throne at the Seat of the Pantheon?


I think people are jumping the gun a bit. I didn’t necessarily see the appearance of his father and Saurfang as necessarily anything but manifestations of his inner struggle to overcome the jailors chains. Positive memories. His father’s words echo his own when he first encountered the jailor.

‘Even here the light is with me.’
2 cents


Ok, I took some wood chips to flavor my meats when I grill. It would have burned anyway…


this cinematic puts into perspective how cool Shadowlands would have been if it was not unfinished.

But, because it’s unfinished it’s just not hitting the right tones.

It’s still good, though, Saurfang and Varian being the ones to save Anduin is better than having Arthas save him.


I felt like it was trying to pass the blame onto Arthas.

The Thrall vs Garrosh scene really came to mind, with the “I am what you made me!” line…


This is how I felt.

I don’t think it was actual manifestations of their souls, so much as memories.

Speaking of which, it makes me wonder if this “memory magic” has a component of the Light, sort of like a photograph.

As if Anduin is attuned to memory magic because he is attuned to the Light.


I dont really get that; she point blank says she is responsible for her actions. She even glances at Uther while saying so, calling back on the prior exchange between them inside her mindscape.

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How is that the case?

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Too see if he was buying into her lies!

But in all seriousness, I think it being a 40 second trailer isn’t doing this lacking story justice.

But I feel if the whole “I hunted you, slowly becoming you… etc…” puts a lot of blame onto Arthas indirectly. =/


obviously, I liked it. I felt like it was the resolution to the Sylvanas and Arthas storyline that I wanted back in WoLK. I loved that Arthas went out with a sad whisper, because honestly that’s better than he deserved really. But now he’s gone, and whatever justice he deserves will be served by Sylvanas making up for her crimes and that’s fine by me. I did write a meta over a year ago saying Arthas would not get a redemption but Sylvanas would and i was right, all that reading into her story and the material was worthwhile for me in the end. I am content. :relieved:


Don’t really have an opinion on it. Idk what to feel.

Pretty good. Sylvanas’ last line should’ve been “became you” though, with Uther or Jaina - I say Uther - seeing Arthas’ spirit off to whatever fate awaits it.