New Anduin Cinematic

She feels bad. So its ok.
We should celebrate her bravery.


I want a bloody head on a spike, not insubstantial feelings.

Do they just tell the savors of Teldrassil to just get over it?

As bad writing as Vanguard.


According to Blizzard what you just said make you no better than red eye Sylvanas.



I have more conviction in my toe than their pathetic characters combined.

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This would have been so much better. It would have really tied together the end of ICC imo, and that last lingering “goodness” within Arthas finding a sense of peace.

Anduin and Sylvanas both shattering Zovaal’s items must be a metaphor for breaking the chains of fate or something…


:popcorn: That’s all. Just delicious buttery :popcorn:

And eh, I like that there’s nothing left of Arthas but a faint memory and even that will fade from peoples memories in time. As a Arthas fan, I’m glad they didn’t ruin him. It’s a fine ending but that’s me.


Well Blizzard took care of those Teldrassil victims by permanently obliterating their souls and forcing Tyrande to forgive and forget all of it.


I thought of that, lol.

Sylvanas: …And that…is my burden to bare…

Baine: creeps up with a Totem.
Baine: Not for long…


Baine trips and fails, even the totem didn’t find him worthy :popcorn:


Totem? I thought he was supposed to eat her.

Then its his burden to bear… for a while.

The ones that live still are victims too.
But Sylvanas bears the burden. I am sure they are all very realistically take solace in that fact.


…pretty sure my Alliance toon saved afew of em.

That’s enough to start a cult or a coup.

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I just don’t get how the writers can even comes up with the line: Begone, Arthas Menethil…

Like where the F do you get off, lady?


maybe like 5% at best… and it seems like Blizzard wants to obliterate those few that we saved too.

All five of them?


They are putting the foreshadowing of when Tyrande says to Sylvanas “Begone, Sylvanas Windrunner”

The whole purpose of pulling this was to do
A) “See if Sylvanas can forgive her abuser so can Tyrande” angle and
B) To give Sylvanas an out without any real consequence.

Thats what this whole cinematic was about. But they will try to spin it as some poetic parallel that you are supposed to be emotional about.
I suggest you add 0.25 speed to the cinematic then… the voice actors will be speaking much much slower than usual to make it clear how emotional this moment is.


This would’ve almost been a half-decent cinematic if the person most responsible for killing Varian and Saurfang wasn’t in the dang room.

Also lol at this incredibly forced “revenge is bad mmmkay” garbage. Completely unearned and ridiculous given the context.


I feel my version of WoW wouldn’t be for the faint of heart.

Many of these…“characters” would be decorating many public city squares.

  1. Because she’s never been part of the WOW lore.

  2. Because the Horde needs to be an equal part of the solution. And Saurfang is very much part of the lore of both the MMORG and the RTS.

Neither was the Nippler but here he is.

Thats what Sylvanas, Thrall and lolbaine are there for.


Any character that exists in the Warcraft universe is, in fact, part of WoW lore.


Except that they aren’t there, not at the spot where Anduin is once the clouds come up and as been pointed before none of them have the essential connection.