New Anduin Cinematic

She says her pursuit and hate of him made her into him.

But that makes no sense until Wrath Sylvanas was fine. It was after Arthas died that she becme much more evil.
Pursuing or hating Arthas had nothing to do with it… it’s what she saw in the Maw that made her join the jailer and try to conquer reality with her at the top.

Blizzard is saying hating and pursuing Arthas = being the same as Arthas.
Thats a really bad take.


No thank you, I’m not excusing the writers because Zovaal did it. Nope to that.

It doesn’t matter than Zovaal was pre-packaged making souls into weapons. That is utterly irrelavant. No writer sees that and thinks “well damn, guess I cannot use Warcrafts most iconic villain because he’s gotta become a meta gem instead.”

No. This is just bad writers writing badly. This is just some schmuck thinking it’d be “kewl” to show off how utterly irrelevant Arthas is now, because all his deeds and horrors and actions are now just Zovaal’s deeds, horrors and actions by proxy. This is throwing away emotional impact for the sake of focusing on your uninteresting, uninspired, undeveloped Sargeras-wannabe.

I do not care what the Jailer could have done. I care about what the developers did do.


With each selfish act, like designing a plague while using human and undead test subjects (as seen in Rise of the Lich King). Blackmailed Lorthemar into going to Northrend.

Honestly you’re probably not wrong in criticizing this. It might be the result of shoehorning multiple perspectives of her character.

The cinematic lines up more with the Kosak perspective.

I dont quite think that is what they are intending to say though.

“I hated you, hunted you” I think are meant to be read apart from “…and with each selfish act, became you”

It was meant to be a very introspective and cathartic moment for Sylvanas, where she publicly as her full merged self accepts to the audience what she did and became, and that it is a burden she has to bear.

…They for sure could of been a tad clearer though.


It’s pretty clear to anyone with even the most basic of reading comprehension though


I agree. Also Arthas was still around and victimizing others when Sylvanas was hating/hunting him.

She did let the hatred consume her though.

Looking at what is going on with Putin and Ukraine, a large part of the World is putting on a clinic for how Sylvanas should have been treated in BFA after Teldrassil.


Guess we will see in the next cinematic where Tyrande’s pursuit for justified retribution against Sylvanas is framed as a selfish act that it makes her no different than a villain. Yall remember attacking while a funeral was being held for Rastakhan would make the Alliance no better than Sylvanas?

A burden to bear… in what way? What is the actual consequence for these horrific actions? Feeling bad?


That just prevents use from putting the shoes on and stepping in all the Orge poop in their Outlands’ areas. He should be happy that he wasn’t turned into a pair of shoes.

I hate to say “Wait and See” but…

…there is a literal unseen final chapter of this expansion specifically dedicated to that question.


I feel like I have been waiting to see since cataclysm.


Good. I’m satisfied with that.

Because she’s not a former Shalamayne wielder.


So they backpedaled on the souls of Saurfang and Varian being obliterated but they refuse to backpedal the Night Elf Souls being obliterated :roll_eyes:

And yet Tyrande still has to forgive all of it. Seems like Blizzard really wants to have their cake and eat it when it comes to making the Night Elves suffer.


It’s not a backpedal, because they never said happened in the first place. Not with them, not with the NEs.


Didn’t Saurfang’s soul get obliterated in the maw? Isn’t that the trinket from Sylvanus?

Anyway as a huge Arthas fan I was disappointed they didn’t do more with him this expansion but maybe that’s for the best now that I think about it.


Facts won’t work. That discussion is just a massive black hole that most of us gave up on :smiley:


They said it with the Night Elves, and Saurfang was a trinket at first.

They even had us go through a quest where night elf souls were obliterated.


The cinematic was really good for Anduin.

Sylvanas hogging the spotlight with Uther and Jania there was pretty … meh tho. :frowning:


Did anyone else hear Terenas voice at first before it switched to Varian?


Should have been the last remnants of good Arthas helping him alongside Varian.


Sounds like a pretty pathetic excuse just to avoid accountability for genocide.