NEW $20 in game shop transmog!

So basically the same exact people buying the same exact thing then. (since these two things are interchangeable)

You do know Horse armor is what kicked off all these MTX being the norm in games, right?

Its not the same thing. What?

The horse armor was only able to be used one time and if your horse died. That was it.

That whole tyrael mount I got because I knew I was gonna still be playing and getting to beta test MoP was a fun bonus while I played Diablo 3. I got way more use out of that than the horse armor

OH MY GOD im so excited too omg omg!!!

I’m so happy we are getting more skimpy armor. Once I saw it matched Ashes of Alar and can be skimpy on men too I had to get it. I hope more versatile sets get added in-game in the future to earn as well!

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder I guess… My personal opinion :face_vomiting:

It is. It’s called a Microtransaction.

You can discuss the differences between the two all you like, but it ultimately serve the same point. Being a little DLC’s you purchase for a price that is appropriate for the size of it, a mini DLC if you will.

…Well i say appropriate in this context… Looks at the prices for both.

Ugh… why you have to put me on the defensive for this MTX?.. :man_facepalming:

In the event if you forget what you can do in Oblivion, to prevent that from happening if you’re playing on the PC (which you should, but i digress), you have multiple save files, Quicksaves/Quickloads, cheats and mods to prevent this sort of thing from being lost. So that $2 dollars isn’t going to waste either if you’re trying to imply that buying that mount wasn’t a waste of money.

And before you say it “Oh you can just get it for free --” So you can with Horse armor. Typically MTX from the early 2000’s aren’t being sold anymore and their always pirated, if desired. And yes, there’s more then 1 game that has MTX back in early 2000’s.

I’m looking at YOU The Sims 2. :face_with_monocle:

Actually, you might not even need to since it’s already bundled with GOTY most likely.

I played console. Even with save files its a rip off compared to what I bought for WoW.

Dah, that explains it.

Even then. Fans made way cooler armor in Skyrim for horses so that made up for the official crap in Oblivion

PC’s allow you to do more things then on Consoles.

Knowing Bethesda and how they used the same engine throughout with some minor tweaks, i would assume the horse armored horse is just it’s own separate NPC that you can just respawn back in, or edit their health values back up to 100%. And with the mod community being pretty big, though not as big as Skyrim’s, i would wager money they have put in mods to make it game wide, like having an NPC that sells you armored horses.

Dah, found one. :point_down:

It’s still a ripoff, but it’s bundled with GOTY these days so… ehh.

To be fair, Skyrim Modders made way more cooler mounts then horses, as well they did for Oblivion most likely.

-_- I’m aware NOW but back then I was a console kid with a toaster of a computer that could barely get WoW to work

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Oh i understand, heck back then, i was like that too, thinking Consoles are the only way to game. (and we don’t have the best computer either. It runs my Maxis games good enough, but everything else, forget about it) Dark days those where i’ve tolerated the low FPS and the restrictive controls. It was fun discovering my favorites back on the day, but these days, PC or emulated consoles please. :stuck_out_tongue:

Especially since motion blur with low fps messes my eyes for a bit.

Playing GTA VC on PS2 with Trails at sub 30 fps on was a fun time… now it just messes my eyes a bit.

Absolutely. This is whst I paid for just the transmog from the bundle:

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But yeah I still say the whole tyrael charger thing is way better of a deal than the horse armor.

Yes they may be both microtransactions but theres different types.

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Now they’re making so many elf-themed transmog items that they’re selling the spillover. The artdev that has this elf fixation must be stopped.

Well i suppose you’re right. One is expensive for MTX standards, and the other is actually bundled for free with GOTY these days.

…Wait, isn’t the mount not even on the store anymore?..

Eh catering to elves is like when people cater to furries.

( Furries are suspiciously wealthy for those that don’t know. )

And like I said. I got a lot of stuff with my charger when it first came out. Not a rip off.

I bought the Tyrael’s Charger for one reason: to annoy the people who get overly attached to artificial scarcity and tie their self worth to some pixels, and to tell Blizzard to rerelease old promo mounts more often because seeing those people malding is worth every penny


I’m beyond thrilled with this and the other new pink transmogs being added in 10.0.5.

I didn’t really have my hopes up cause the blue that commented on my PInk Armor thread said they weren’t on the design team, but I’m glad they understand some of us like pink.

This is more reddish pink than I prefer, but it’s pink enough.

And it comes with SO MANY OPTIONS. There’s like 4 chestpieces, 3 legs, and 2 hands ors omething like that.