New 12-Month Sub Mount Slays. Love it!

Guess I will not see anything for awhile. As a 6month, I just got the wavewhisker

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

I mean they do this all the time. If it works why wouldn’t they? Maybe they’re desperate, or maybe they just want your money and don’t care if you play it.

It’s like when people buy the expansion and then don’t play it… Sure they’re losing subcosts but they gained money to offset.

that’s actually a typo. it’s supposed to be moo-beast. it’s for tauren.


Boooo! I mean moooo


Are you trying to tell me you truly believe that Blizzard is not in it for short term profits now?

They need a profit spike to report to investors. They got it. Do you not see more and more of these offers?

This has been the problem for many years: marketing to players though hype and false promises, then making no effort to develop a game that is enjoyable to play. For the masses, I mean. I guess they were surprised that DRAGONS!!! didn’t sell lots of units.

Whales are the most profitable customers, people who will keep paying lots of extra money to buy everything in the store, and then pay for tokens to buy carries.

Everybody who subscribes and plays throughout is worth $429.76 to Blizzard.
A player who unsubscribes within a month is a net loss of $344.77.

And saying that people who forget to unsubscribe are a profit bonus to blizzard, just wow.

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I don’t think someone* that buys a year-long subscription is a whale considering they save a bit of money in the longterm if they do end up playing the game for the whole year. That amount of money is nothing.

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Not big enough bait for me, a color variation of the murlok mount that I have now swayed me to go back to month to month.

I don’t know what next year is going to bring, going to trust my gut and just not get it this time.

Wait until it shows up on the Trader’s post.

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These won’t be on the TP. These are 6 month sub mounts combined into a package. Except the purple murloc mount

They’ll put them on there. Give it time.

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No i’m sure they unsubscribe. I’m saying it’s a silver lining when you buy Something then not use it. Unlike buying an offline game, they have to rent more servers the more people they have. Of course they would prefer you to stay subscribed. That’s more money. But this model also works and they also expect it.

Much as we expect it, having been here a while. Sl broke sales records. People leaving wasn’t really the point. They cried all the way to the bank.

what they did with the last six month sub promotion is that if you currently have a six month sub active, then u just get it.

idk if they are doing the same thing for this, though

blah… i was hoping the 6 months got the reskin murloc since you got the original colour last time, didnt we get the fish last time anyway?

That moonbeast looks cool, everything else is meh … if they really want people to buy the second round they gota do better than reskins from the first one

You really aren’t buying the bundle for the mounts, you are paying to play for the year. Mounts shouldn’t be your main focus in the bundle

Yea but i can pay $15 a month so why should i shell out $188 for no reason… do you have a reason to shell out 188 ?

But that’s exactly why theyre offering them. Because they know that will be the main draw

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I tbh don’t because idk if i’m going to be here for another year

But some people do it out of convenience

Its actually not smart to buy a year sub, berceuse most seasons you play for 2-3 months then it slows down then you sit around doing nothing for 3 months

Some people do old content during that time, so just really depends on what you do

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