Never played WoW, but got a beta invite

I just wanted to let you all know that Pokimane, someone who has never played or streamed wow is in the beta. Now thats just top tier laughs


Hope I get invited too.

No active account. Never played WoW.


Yep, Pokimane a streamer with no active account never played wow in her life has a beta invite… Im laughing so hard im crying and drinking the tears


Blizzard isn’t really trying to hide the fact they’re going for free advertising with well known streamers. I’d find it hilarious if she even decided to try the beta.


They’re obv doing paid sponsored streams. There’s a ton of FPS players(streamers) on the beta right now. As long as it widens the playerbase and increases eyes on the game it makes sense but it’s a little weird to assume any of these people are even going to know what bugs are for the most part seeming they have no idea what’s happening at all lol.

That’s why the “account age will be taken into consideration” part is so funny. That being said I did get beta access to the stress test and that’s fine for me atm. I didn’t really expect to get in to the main beta after seeing what streamers were playing.

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Beta Eligibility

Your account must have a full retail copy of one of the following games to sign up for most beta tests.

  • World of Warcraft
  • Diablo III
  • StarCraft II
  • Warcraft III
  • Diablo II
  • StarCraft
  • Overwatch <------
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She will have a hard time playing both the game and playing with her hair anyway.

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Eh, if she plays a warlock or even a hunter she can stop doing anything for the most part.

Ugh grats lucky. You got it today? So more invites are still going through huh

I got it on the first batch. Most of the time the world server was down for me though, lol.

Nice try. From the Classic launch and testing announcement page:

“To fill our pool of beta and stress test participants, we’ll be choosing dedicated players who meet select criteria from both the WoW Classic beta opt-in and the standard Warcraft beta opt-in. Participants will also need to have an active subscription or active game time on their Battle. net Account.”

That rules her out if she has never played WoW.


I have never heard of her so I googled her and watched her play with her hair almost constantly for 3 minutes straight.


Hey, you don’t get to use facts here. We’re hating streamers for made up reasons. Don’t ruin this for us.

Who? You say their name like it’s someone we should know.

One problem is that other streamers are able get their buddy streamers in without issue it seems.


You can literally google her name, unless you are trolling or just that inept I dont see why you would comment. (facepalm)

PR moves like this just don’t sit well with me. Invite the paying subscribers AND the streamers


Blizzard: no

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I’m not trolling and am far from inept. The OP spoke the person’s name as if it’s someone we have all heard of and should know. I asked who because I haven’t ever heard that name until tonight.

As far as I knew, it could have been someone he knew or a friend of a friend. Too many people like you here who like to cry troll and start resorting to name calling. Are you all really this miserable in real life that you feel the need to constantly down others or is it just easier being that way hiding behind an avatar and computer screen?

I do suppose though if I had scrolled down the page more I would have saw that the person is a streamer and likes to play with her hair a lot? So nah, no interest to google that person to get her views thank you very much.