Never Forget. The Alliance kept orcs as slaves

Elves started it all by bringing the burning legion into the picture which led to orcish invasions which led to pretty much every non old god issue since the sundering

Elves had orcs invade azeroth and elves caused the slaughter of humans and dwarves and the eventual slavery of orcs

TLDR Elves are the true villain

Never forget… the orcs went on a violent bloodthirsty killing spree against the Draenei

Should have wiped them out instead of enslaving them. Yrel has the right idea.

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Don’t worry. I am paying them back.

I have a spacegoat I keep on a leash.

Same but she rarely leaves Moon Guard.

What excuse? Paladins have always worked to serve the “greater good.” We don’t go out of our way for a fight. We wish to protect the Alliance from threats. Our main focus is fighting scourge undead and demons, true enemies of Azeroth. The Alliance as a whole is very reactive, not aggressive. There have been instances of rogue factions, but as a whole, they don’t start wars. After all the Horde has done and how many family members were murdered by Orcs pouring through the dark portal slaughtering all in their path, first hand and generational animosity is completely warranted.

Bro… didnt I tell you to stop posting?

Never forget, the Forsaken are literally putting people in the ground to grow their undead nonsense on in Hillsbrad. Not to mention the poor bears.

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We should’ve just killed them all. Then Azeroth would be a less violent place.

Yes this is totally how it went. No y’know Orc made ‘path to glory’ on that world.

They should’ve killed the Orcs.

I mean Orcs keep orc slaves, what do you think Peons are. Also Varian was a slave the Orcs kept, then the whole making Draenei pave a road with the bones of their own dead. Then Trolls kept goblins as slaves. And goblins keep hobgoblins as slaves. Night Elves have all those twisted treant tenders. Blood Elves have some leper Gnome slaves under SMC…Dark Irons kept slaves for mining and gladiator fights, Forsaken have slaves they experiment on…slavery seem pretty par for the course for every race in WoW TBH

How about both factions start ignoring the posts of this guy.

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It was either that or execute them all for the attempted genocide and decimation of the planet.

They got off pretty easy if you ask me. No sane person would have just let The Orcs go. Not in fiction or reality.

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Make Horde slaves again I say.


What is this behemothtry?

MOSA I like it. Now I need to make a toon with that name.

Chanted to just orcs.

the only good human is an undead human.

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You mean the previous Orc. slave owners brought back to life? I’m so confused how that’s good, but I’ll believe you. :wink:

Oh, give me a break. They’re just orcs. It’s not like they’re real people or anything.

And notice the only decent orc was nurtured by a human and exposed to human culture from birth. Now I am not advocating slavery; a clean death is always better, but it looks to me like orc society would benefit from human’s civilizing influence.

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Should’ve wiped out the orcs, would’ve saved a whole lot of lives. Alliance, let not this mistake of the past dissuade you from the true course.