Neutralize Concoctions doesn't have flask of Saving Grace rank 1 + 2

Still a problem, have been holding on to the flasks I crafted for a very long time now…please fix this bug.

Bumping since I just ran into this as well

Little late in realizing this bug, but I just noticed this problem.
This thread is several months old. Please fix it, Blizz.

Well, almost 5 months after this issue was reported, Blizzard Support has remained silent They clearly never intend to fix this. I’m getting rid of all these costly Flasks that cannot be neutralized and moving on. I’m done with the buggy professions…


Bumping. Don’t actually think this is a bug. Maybe Blizz purposely removed it since they knew it’s the weakest/cheapest flask and didn’t want it to be used as a loophole? Who knows.