Netherdrake look for drathyr?

I’d love this. We can’t even get them to tell us how to get the other 2 colors for the Grotto Netherwing, though, so my hopes aren’t high.

I tried all expansion to make my Evoker look anything close to “good” and I failed.

What we could have gotten:

What we got:

Dracthyr are supposed to be Neltharion’s vision of the perfect super soldier, not something you find in a Chuck E. Cheese.

Hell, even the Revendreth Gargoyle model from SL looks way better:

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That would be weird.

They’re already weird, homie.

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I mean you picked one of the absolute worst examples to use here :rofl: that’s atrocious

Well, here’s another one:

I don’t know man, I’m just looking through Google Images. All of them look awful to me. :rofl:

I mean, I can understand what you’re looking for on your first picture, but then you went straight to the worst options possible.

I’d include my drac here but I can’t post links for some reason.

Like, body type 4 looks closer to what you want, and the more armor you put on them, the closer it gets.

Definitely some additional options, perhaps a splitting scales into two options, smooth and jagged, more snout options and thicker legs, etc, could help a little.

As I said before, I’ve tried all expansion to make my Evoker look good. Every color combination, every body size, every piece of ugly dracthyr armor that doesn’t match a single piece of mail shoulder gear (even their own Evoker tier sets :unamused:)

I failed, horribly.

This is the best I could come up with:

And it’s still not “good”.

I wanted Gargoyles instead of Dracthyr. They could probably wear armor at least…

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Looks pretty badass to me

I want my Dracthyr to have plantigrade feet and hairstyles. Then again, I’m an unrepentant furry, so I like more anthro options to be available alongside the bestial stuff.

That ones looks good. I’d change the feet and hands to the heavy armor option, the one with claws.

Now, what is this about no shoulder piece fitting? There’s plenty of them!

Tomb of Sargeras shaman shoulders are great, all four of them. The ones from EN/Nighthold are good too.

The Firelands ones are good for red armor.

Mists of Pandaria got some good ones too. [Wingslasher Pauldrons], the black one would look good on that black armor.

Night Fae is great for that nature vibe. Maldraxxus for the black armor. Kyrian can work with purple and white armor, at least. Reven, if you like the candles.

While I won’t say no to Netherdrake options, I would more prefer a Void or Infinite look for my lizard.